Chapter 6

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Damien's P.O.V.

I can't believe I almost had to talk to (Y/N) today. I've never felt this way towards ANYONE before; it's all so new and weird, I can't even focus on doing my work. I need to get these feelings under control, otherwise, I'll get a warning from Ian. People are starting to get suspicious of me. I've already had Noah ask me why I've been acting so weird lately. I'm going to have to confess that I like (Y/N) at some point, I just don't know how to. While I was in my thoughts, Shayne had crept behind me.

"BOO!" He yelled. I hadn't reacted, since I already knew he was there. "Uh, helllooooooo???" He snapped his fingers in front of my face. I finally came back to reality and away from my thoughts.

"Oh... sorry, dude. I'm just thinking about something." I soon went into my thoughts again.

"Hmm... Let me guess. You're thinking about (Y/N), aren't you?" Shayne snickered. The sound of her name immediately snapped me out of my thoughts.

"How'd you know?" I sighed. I might as well come clean to him. I mean, he is my best friend after all.

"Dude, it's obvious. Like, seriously, avoiding her isn't going to hide the fact that you like her."

I groaned, "What should I do about it? I need to tell her, but I'm too nervous about it."

Shayne patted me on the shoulder before saying, "You should tell her. Apologize for avoiding her and ask her out. I'm sure she'll say yes."

"Ughhhhhh, I can't..." I complained. Shayne shook his head before leaving me to drown in my own thoughts once again.

Your P.O.V.

Alright, today was the day you would confront Damien. To be honest, you were really nervous about this which is weird because you usually didn't have anxiety about confrontations. You do like Damien, and you would love to go on a date with him to get to know him better. The only problem is walking up to him and getting him to spill. You were walking around the Smoffice to try and see if you could find him. Ah hah! There he is! Before he could spot you, you grabbed him by his sleeve, pushed him in the janitor's closet, and pushed him in the corner.

"Damien, I'm really sorry I had to go to these extreme measures, but we need to talk. Now," You yelled at him.

Damien sighed, "Look, I'm sorry, (Y/N). I really am. I didn't mean to make you feel upset or mad at me."

Your cheeks started to heat up from your anger, "Then why have you been avoiding me?!"

"IT'S BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, OKAY!" Damien yelled.

Your cheeks started to heat up even more, not because of anger but because of what he had said, "Wait... What?" You knew that he liked you, but you hadn't known that he loved you.

"I love you, and I have for a while. Ever since I first saw you on the sidewalk, I thought you were the prettiest girl I had ever seen. You're so compassionate about everything you do, and it makes me feel something I have never felt before," He looked into your eyes.

Your eyes began to water, and one tear fell down your face. Damien lifted his hand and wiped your tears away while looking into your eyes. They flickered down to your lips, and your face began to heat up. Your lips slightly parted as you both began to lean in closer together. Both of your lips finally touch, and you let out a sigh of happiness. You wrap one of your arms around his neck, and you let your fingers slide into his soft, brown hair. He put his hands around your waist, and he tugged you closer to him. Those few seconds felt like a lifetime. You both parted your lips and smiled at each other.

"So... would you like to be my girlfriend and go on a date with me?" Damien asked.

With just those few words, you jumped into his arms as yelled, "Yes!" 

The both of you laughed and kissed each other once more, cherishing this moment for as long it will last.

A/N - Hey guys. I'm sorry this chapter is so short. I'm having writer's block and I can't come up with any good ideas for the next chapter. :( I will try and make the chapters longer in the future. 

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