Ch.7 Treating You Better

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It was morning the next day and Naruto was up and ready making some surprisingly non-brunt breakfast for him and his boyfriend. The oil in the pan sizzled and the aroma from the food was enticing. Naruto hoped that it tastes as good as it smelled.

The boyfriend in question was snoozing away. Finally getting a restful nights sleep. Naruto had finished up making food and setting up the table. He thought Shikamaru would be up by now, he probably really needed the sleep though. He sat down for second to catch his breathe and he noticed something. The apartment was clean? Was it always clean when we got here?

Naruto was sure the place was full of dust and dirt. He should have noticed before but he was too focused on making food. The fridge had basic and some extra groceries, the house was stocked with basic necessities for two people and the place was clean.

'Did he do this too?' He felt guilty, he was sulking the whole time while Shikamaru was dealing with these things alone. Not even telling Naruto because he doesn't want him to worry more. They were in this together and he wasn't able to be there for Shikamaru when he needed it.

He got up and headed to the bedroom to wake Shikamaru up. He was still snoring and enjoying his sleep. He thought about all the work he did and how he probably complained in between, saying 'what a drag' or 'how troublesome'. But he still finished it because of Naruto.

His hair was down some covering his face. Shikamaru lightly snored while he had his mouth open drooling on the pillow. Naruto chuckled.

"Shika, wake up! I made food!" He said shaking him awake. "And no, it's not ramen. It's not burnt or poisoned either. Now wake up!"

The blonde had been shaking him back and forth for the past five minutes yet he's still not waking up. As he was there pouting about how the food was going to get cold he noticed a slight smirk on Shikamaru's face then it quickly dissipated. He was about to use Rasengan on him but then a light bulb went off in his head.

Naruto crawled on the bed and moved the covers. Naruto moved Shikamaru's hair of his face and kissed his cheek. "If your not waking up like this, maybe I should suck dry till you wake up."

Naruto moved down a bit but nothing happened and Shikamaru who was actually woke up the first time he tried to give him a concussion, peeked down. When he opened his eyes he saw a beautifully dangerous Naruto holding a powerful and dangerous Rasengan in his hand. He panicked.

"Now, listen to me Naru. I was just teasing you." The Nara held his hands up and nervously laughed. Naruto wasn't convinced.

"And I'm just getting revenge."

They both messed around, moving all around the bed trying to best each other. Naruto got the upper and on him. He was on top of him holding Shikamaru down. Shikamaru was losing cause Naruto had some formidable brute strength even without the use of chakra, but he had an ace up his sleeve. He lifted his head close to Naruto's ear and whispered to him.

"Baby, I just wanted to feel your hot mouth around my-," Before he could finish Naruto let go, his face plagued with red hues. Shikamaru finally was able to lift himself up and take a breath while the blonde malfunctioned.

"Y-you! You! You...can't say that." When he gets all flustered and stuttered like that it made the Nara want to tease him more. Naruto covered his face trying to recollect himself. Shikamaru held him, let him and Naruto fell back onto the bed.

Shikamaru moved his hands and kissed his forehead.
"I love you."

Naruto peeked through his fingers to get a look at Shikamaru. "I love you too." Shikamaru held him close. The blonde let out a defeated sigh and wrapped his arms around him too. Enjoying his warm body heat and familiar smell.

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