Chapter 8

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"Im sorry i didnt mean to say that." cherry managed to say before she started laughing holding her stomach. " god." she whispered. Karla help her up from the ground. Cherry whiped the tears away from her eyes wih a huge grin. "i didnt mean for that to slip out of my mouth." Cherry said giggling some more. Karla looked at her irratated, while the other looked at her in confusion.

Karla walked over to her, making Cherry stumble back trying to get away from her. Everyone was looking at her in even more confusion, wanting to see what she was gonna do. They didnt expect Karla to literally pounce on Cherry, taking them both to the ground. They landed on the ground with a loud and hard thud and rolling a little bit.

when they was though rolling on the floor, Karla was on top of Cherry who was trying to get from under her. She knew what was coming as punishment. Cherry looked at her face and into her eyes, she saw the mischief glint in her eyes meaning trouble. "no no no, Karla NO." Karla started coming even closer to cherry making hand motion.

Cherry started backing up until her back hut a wall. she got up and tried to make a dash for it. She only made it to the stairs of the thrones, until she got pulled back by her waist by Karla. Her back hit the front of Karla. Karla's hand started to tickling Cherry gently then slowly made it faster. Cherry Burt out laughing.

"GAHAHAHAHAHA-..I-...HAHAHA-..SORRY-..HAHAHAH." Cherry said now on the ground trying to get away from Karla's death grip. She took her hands away from her and looked at Cherry's sprawled out form. Cherry was breathing heavily even tho she don't have to. "I'm-....Im sorry Karla." Cherry was able to wheeze out. Karla just smirked out in Victory. They heard someone clear their throat, which cause them to looked up so fast they might have gotten whip lash.

'Shit, I forgot they was here.' Karla told Cherry though their mind link. Cherry smacked the back of Karla's head, making a loud slap bounce off the walls of silence and the castle walls. "I told you to stop damn cussing." Cherry said giving Karla a glare. Karla grunted and then glared back. "You just cussed."Karla said making Cherry deadpan. "We're Not talking about me." Said said before smiling up at the kings.

"So where should we begin."

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