Chapter 1

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Third's POV
"Mina come on, we're on we're going to Italy." Bella spit harshly grabbing Mina's arm. "Ok." Mina mumbled grabbing her phone before she was out the door of her room. When they got outside, Bella literally threw her in the car.

While Bella was getting in the passenger seat. Mina sighed wincing her arm. 'Yea that's gonna leave a bruise.' Mina thought to sighing again quietly pulling out her phone.

She texted her mates to get plane tickets to Italy and meet her at the airport. The car started going fast making Mina smile slightly. She was excited for what was about to happen.


When they got to the airport with Bella snatching Mina's arm makin her stumble and fall. "MINA!!" She heard two voices that she recognized as Karla and Cherry her mates. Karla was the first to get to her and help her up. Mina grinned at her, eyes gleaming with excitement. Karla chuckled as they walked into the airport.

Karla and Cherry intertwined their hand with Mina's. "How have you been?" Cherry asked Mina as they tried to keep up with Alice and Bella. "Good, y'all?" She replied back smiling. They continued their conversation into they boarded the plane and took off.


They sat down with Karla on the left, Mina in the middle, Cherry on the right. 'Might as well take a break.' Mina got comfortable laying her head down on Cherry's shoulder, and resting.


"hun wake up." Cherry said gently shaking Mina awake earning a irritable huff. Karla rolled her eyes picking Mina up and putting the girl on her back. The three followed Alice and Bella out to go get the car.


Cherry, Mina, and Karla was in the backof the car chilling. They was surprised that Alice wasn't getting a speeding ticket. Soon Alice got sucked into a vision. When she blink with a terrified look, that was the only sign that the vision was over. "They refused him." Bella gasped and started panicking. Mina made a disgusted face at how dramatic Bella but no body saw. 'This is to damn much, but I get it, she still "loves" him.' Mina sighed closing her eyes and going to sleep.

"How much longer." Bella asked panicked glancing at Alice frantically fidgeting. "Only 10 minutes." The three at the back snickered causing Bella to glare at the three. "Tf you looking at it us like that." Karla snarled at Bella making her look back to the road. Cherry grabbed Karla's hand and squeezed it a little, basically telling her to calm down. They glanced at Mina and saw her peacefully sleeping. 'At least one of us is having a peaceful time.' Karla though turning to look out the window, still holding Cherry's hand.

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