cant forget about him

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mattia had woke in pain, he looked down at his hands and saw his dried bloody knuckles, then he remembered what happened

they had jumped him so he wouldn't kill Alejandro

he quickly stood up an looked around an he realized he was in one of those dark cells, with no bed or bathroom, it was just dark like he was trapped in a cage. his breath tensed up ....

he ran to the door an tried to open it but it wasn't opening. he than banged on the door.

"LET ME OUT !" he yelled

little did he know, no one could hear him, he was alone.
"GORGE OPEN THE DOOR !" he begged, he was frustrated

he didn't know what was on the other side of the door, he just needed help

water formed in his eyes, he ran to the to push it open but it would bug. he pulled his hair an started to scream. he was so angry but felt stuck an terrified

he started slapping his self into finding a plan to give out. he keep whispering things to his self like he was a complete psycho

"LET ME OUT !" he cried again

he punched door over an over again trying to free. he hands was getting bloody from his force by the minute.

sooner or later he gave up. he sat in the corner an hugged his knees an cried for a while

he never cried so much in his life. he knew he was gonna be in the cell for a while.

so he just laid down an went in his thoughts


me an Quinn was in gym training while the boys was taking care of Blur up stairs. she wasn't talking that much since she told Hunter off ....

the awkwardness was in the room for me.

I was annoyed by it

"Quinn" I said in a serious tone "mhm" she simply nodded, I shook my head an stopped punching the bag an looked at her

"Quinn" I said calling her again but giving her that look "what ?" she said annoyed

what's wrong with her ?

"look I know you don't like him but can you try to be a little more nicer, he did do nothin to you" I said a bit annoyed.

she give me a dead expression

she took off her gloves an throw them to side an she walked away from me not saying a word. I rolled my eyes an followed behind her

"Quinn ?" I said raising my voice a little, she turned around to me an crossed her arms "look im only walking away because im not to say something I regret ok" she said annoyed

what do she mean ?

"what are you saying" I said looking at her was stank "you know exactly what im saying" she said madly


"no I don't tell me what you gotta say ??" I said with attitude, she rolled her eyes

𝐘𝗼𝐮 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐘𝗼𝐮 𝐊𝐧𝗼𝐰 𝐌𝐞 ⚤ 𝗆𝖺𝗍𝗍𝗂𝖺𝗉𝗈𝗅𝗂𝖻𝗂𝗈 Where stories live. Discover now