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Date: June 3nd, 1 day before supposed death

If there was one life in the world that had been through shit and crazy things you can't even imagine, it would have been Ashlyn's.

She never knew her mother. Her father had been abusive and treated her like crap. When she finally left to be happy, her best friend killed the boy she loved. But then her love returned to her, as a ghost of all things, and they both found out who the killer was. And then her best friend killed her right before getting caught by the police. But she didn't die. Instead, she was given a chance to travel back in time to save the boy she loved.


Ashlyn's life had been nothing but crazy. No where had she really found happiness and no where was she really at peace.

Now, years later, she was still in life's game, running to save the boy she loved yet again.

because she simply wouldn't give up.

Ashlyn wasn't going to let Sunwoo get hurt even if it meant living her whole, shitty life again a million times.

and so when she kicked open the door of her old house, she wasn't just kicking down the entrance to the place she hated.

She was kicking down every single barrier and restriction that had ever crossed her path. She was kicking down the limits and hate the world had thrown towards her.

She was kicking down the wall that held her away from her angel, Kim Sunwoo.

Ashlyn wasn't scared at all anymore, she couldn't even remember what fear was.

She had 10 boys standing behind her, ready to protect her at any moment. Her best friend stood among the 10 despite the fact he had been the original reason all this time traveling mess had started in the first place. She had the love of her life ( even though he was currently tied to a chair with cloth in his mouth ) who she knew would jump of a cliff for her if she asked.

Ashlyn had no reason to be scared anymore.

Who cares if her father was abusive? Who cares if life sucked?

Ashlyn had The Boyz. Ashlyn had Sunwoo. Ashlyn had Kevin Moon.

No happiness and no peace? Now that's bullshit.

"Hi dad."

The elder man looked up, shock and fear meeting his face at the sight of his daughter, looking much more mature and stronger since the last time he had seen her, and 10 boys standing behind her, cracking their knuckles and looking ready to kill.

Ashlyn smiled.

"Give me back Sunwoo or else face the consequences." her voice was bittersweet.

Her father gulped.

before clearing his throat and narrowing his eyes.

"We meet after so much time and this is what you say?"

Ashlyn glared at him.

"I'm here for Sunwoo, not you."

"Tch, don't you have a single ounce of love for me?" the older man tilted his head, almost smirking despite the small scared thought of how many people stood behind his daughter.

"You don't love me, I don't love you. So, no. Now give. me. back. Sunwoo." Ashlyn pronounced each world carefully and menacingly, surprising the boys behind her as they had never seen her this way in all the time they had known her.

"Oh Ashlyn, I do love you-"

"Cut the small talk and tell me what you want." Ashlyn crossed her arms and sighed, "Since you're clearly not returning Sunwoo."

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