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Ashlyn POV

I felt like a bucket of ice water was thrown upon me. My body felt cold all over and I could feel myself shaking uncontrollably. 

"Hi I'm Kevin!" 

The warm smile was on his face again, the one that had once made me feel happy and safe as if I was in my true home. 

I used to love his smile so much

"I'm Ashlyn." I replied, voice coming quieter than intended. 

Kevin smiled despite my low voice and glanced between my luggage to my apartment door, 19.

"I guess I'm your neighbor, I live in no. 16!" He exclaimed, raising his hand and pointing it at his door. 

"Oh...that's nice." I muttered, unsure what to say. 

A huge part of me was screaming about how he had killed me and Sunwoo but another part was reasoning with how guilty Kevin felt afterwards and the fact I traveled back in time not only to save Sunwoo, but my former best friend too. 

"It's nice to meet you." I said with newfound confidence and held out my hand. 

Kevin eyes flashed a look of surprise before he grinned and took it. 

"Need any help moving your stuff in?" he asked, pulling his hand away and placing them on his hips, eyes glancing down at the boxes. 

I bit my lip to hold back a small smile forming on my face. Even after everything that happened, I missed this. I missed my best friend and I missed the guy I knew deep down was amazing and kind. 

I missed Kevin Moon. 

Within the next few minutes, Kevin and I were going back forth, carrying boxes into my apartment and 'getting to know each other'. Kevin attempted to crack multiple jokes and I laughed at few just so that he wouldn't think anything was suspicious. 

A small part of me really just wanted to cut off my connection with Kevin or just never become close to him but Kevin had been someone important in my life. 

Before all of this murder stuff, Kevin had still been my amazing best friend and I didn't want to lose that just because of my selfish love towards Sunwoo. 

I still wanted Kevin in my life, just not as the psychopathic murderer. 

"Hey do you want me to invite my friends? They can help clean up and you can get to know them." Kevin asked, standing up and stretching. 

I put down the box I was holding and gave a small nod.

"Just don't force them."

In less than an hour, The Boyz - including Kim Sunwoo - were standing inside my apartment, some smiling and others looking awkward. 

"Hey Ash you're here!" Sunwoo exclaimed first this time, pointing at me. 


Happiness filled me, so much of it I was surprised myself. 

"Who's Ash?" I asked, cheeks burning red. 

I never could understand the effect that name had on me but it made me feel so warm and giddy. I guess it was a Kim Sunwoo thing. 

"You dumbass." he replied, rolling his eyes but I could see the grin tugging at his lips. 

"You guys know each other?" Kevin asked, a look of surprise clear on his face. 

I sighed. I guess this was the start of all the chaos that was going to happen in a year. 

"Yeah we met a few days ago when I nearly got hit by a car." I replied, making sure my voice was casual. 

"HUH?" Kevin gasped dramatically, clutching over his heart while one of the boys, who I know knew was Jacob, went over to help him. 

"Right, that's Sangyeon, Jacob, Younghoon, Hyunjae, Juyeon, you already know Kevin, and that's Chanhee, Changmin, Haknyeon, and last but not least, our maknae, Eric!" all the Boyz waved when their names were called.

Even though I already knew their names, I simply smiled back. 

"Don't forgot the 'Hyung'." Sangyeon said, hitting the back of Sunwoo's head and I secretly laughed, watching as Sunwoo glared at me.

Sticking out my tongue, I held onto Kevin before dragging him off to my room. 

"You're with me!"

"Why me?" Kevin said in english with such his beautiful accent I hadn't heard in a long time. 

"Cause you're an artist. You can help me decorate my room." I replied before remembering I had to ask him where he was from. 

"Where are you from anyway?"

"I'm from Korea but I moved to Canada when I was 4." Kevin replied before adding, "Jacob's from Canada too!"

"Nice." I replied to show I was listening although I really wasn't. 

Since I already knew all of this, it felt a little boring to listen to it all again. Still, I did my best to make sure it looked like I was listening although I couldn't help but pay attention to Sunwoo more than others. 

Kevin POV

Ashlyn was great.

Although she did seem like she had her own problems, she seemed like someone who was nice and a good friend.

Something I did notice though, was how Ashlyn kept glancing towards Sunwoo.

I didn't mind, not at all as Sunwoo was an idiot who was still single. 

"Jacob!" I called my canadian bro.

Looking up, the boy ran to my side. Grinning, I pointed at Sunwoo who had gone over to help Ashlyn carry a box that looked heavy. Both had blushes on their faces.

"Don't they look cute?" I smirked.

Jacob laughed and nodded.

"They do, they really do."

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