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Ashlyn POV

Changmin screamed a loud dolphin scream as Kevin pecked Jacob's cheek, falling back and then blushing intensely.

I laughed loudly, falling against Sunwoo who laughed along and held me close in his arms.

"I HATE YOU!" Kevin yelled, almost crying as he pushed Hyunjae over who just laughed louder.

We were playing truth or dare and when it was Kevin's turn, he had picked dare which led to Hyunjae daring Kevin to kiss Jacob's cheek.

"Wait until it's your turn!" Kevin scoffed and sat up straight as some members wiped away the tears in their eyes from laughing to hard.

"It's Ashlyn's turn." Jacob said, recovering from the kiss and facing me as I shot the angel a glare.

"Truth or dare." Changmin asked, couching a little since his scream earlier had been so loud.

"Hmm dare?"

The rest of the day went by quickly with silly dares and constant Moonbae moments, Moonbae as in Kevin Moon and Jacob Bae who I've shipped since the first time we met.

Honestly, I never remembered having this much fun with The Boyz the first time we had all met. Sure, we met up often. But in the end, it was always Kevin or Sunwoo I was thinking about.

When Sunwoo had died, I lost contact with everyone except Kevin. Well, I didn't lose contact, I just stopped talking to them all. I don't really know why.

I was just sad and wanted to be alone. I felt like I couldn't love anyone the way I had loved Sunwoo and so I just closed myself up, only allowing Kevin in.

That was my biggest mistake.

1. Because I ended up losing my best friends.

2. Because Kevin ended up being the one who killed my love.

I have a second chance now. I have a chance to fix things, to change events to how they're supposed to be.

Sunwoo just couldn't die.

Kevin just couldn't become a killer.

These are the only two things I have to change.

How hard can it possibly be?

Sunwoo POV


My words got stuck in my throat when I noticed Ashlyn asleep, head against Changmin's torso.

A little annoyed by her location, I reached forward and held onto her head, gently switching her position from Changmin to my shoulder.

She fell onto my left shoulder with a soft 'thud' and I smiled.

She's so beautiful

Reaching my free hand forward, I tucked back a loose strand of hair behind her each and rested my back against the sofa, looking around at the rest of my friends.

The Boyz all lay sprawled across Chanhee's living room, spread all over the place since they were running but also because they lowkey wanted to piss Chanhee who i'm sure is going to yell at everyone tomorrow morning.

Feeling drowsy, I stifled back a yawn and let my body have a restricted stretch, doing my best not to move and disturb Ashlyn.

Now finally feeling sleepy, I closed my eyes and placed my head on Ashlyn's, once again smiling a little as I held her close to me.

"Goodnight Ash." I whispered and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


( A/N: I gave you guys a short update after a long time, I'm sorry 😭  but also inspiration slapped me in the face yesterday and told me to start writing again so here I am~ )

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