Chapter20: Ending

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Regina's pov:

"We're almost there."

"AHHH! God dang it! Please! Make it stop!"

"It's okay, hang in there Regina, we're almost there."

"You've been saying that for the past ten fricken minutes!"

"I know, I know." He said taking my hand but then probably regretted it.

"AHHHH!" I squeezed his hand. "Please! Make it stop!" I said sobbing in pain.

"We're here." Robin jumps out of the car and opens the passenger seat and carries me to the entrance. "Please help! She's in labor!" He screams as he enters.

They get a wheel chair and Robin carefully places me in it. And they quickly, but carefully take me to a room, with Robin close behind.
"AHHHH!" This contraction was worst then any of the others. "WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE THIS THING OUT OF ME!" I screamed in pain.

"Regina you still have a long way to go, you're only 5 inches dilated. This can take a while."

"AHHH!" again Robin's hand was in mine comforting me.

"It's okay Regina you can do this."

I began taking big breaths.

"I can do this," I began saying to myself, "I can do this," I continue to say this over and over again till the next contraction hit. "I can't do this! I can't fricken do this!! AHHH!"

"Shh shh. You're okay. You can do this. Just imagine in a little while we'll have a little boy or girl in our arms that we can call ours and only ours."

I again began to take deep breaths. Once the next contraction hit I squeezed Robin's hand so hard I'm surprised he didn't say anything. I bit my lip trying to suppress the screams. Once it was over I release the grip I had on his hands and began to relax.

"Oh my gosh Regina! That was great! You are truly amazing." Said Robin.

I turned my head towards and and gave him a weak smile. "I love you." I said with my eyes closed.

"I love you too." He said with a kiss to my forehead.
Robin's pov:
Hours have passed since we have arrived. Hours filled with screams, shouts, and extremely painful hand squeezes. She might be tiny but dang, that woman is strong. I swear she must have broken my hand.

It wasn't until ten hours have passed that the doctor said she was ready.

"Ok Regina when the next contraction hits I want you to start pushing." She nods a little scared.


"Push Regina Push!"

"AHHH!" And she releases. "I can't do this, I can't do this!"

"Yes you can Regina. You are the strongest, bravest person I know and if you can't do this I don't know who can." She nods.

"Ok Regina the same thing but this time a little harder. You ready when the next contraction hi-"


"That's great keep on going!"

"AHHH! God dang it Robin why'd you have to do this to me!"

"I'm sorry but if I could I'd switch places with you."


"You're going great Regina just a few more! We got the head! Harder!"


Regina's pov:
The pain suddenly stops and a cry fills the room. They ask Robin if he'd like to cut the umbilical cord and of course he agrees.

They clean the baby up and had the pink bundle to me.

"Congratulations Regina, it's a girl, and a very beautiful one I must add."

I take the baby into my arms and stare at her angelic face. She's perfect.

"What should we name her?" Robin asks also starring at her.


"That's beautiful." You can already see she has a head full of black hair, like mine. "She looks exactly like you." He adds. At the same time he says that she opens her eyes. They are a deep blue, just like Robin's.

"Her eyes are exactly like your's. Do you want to hold her?"

"I thought you'd never ask." He takes Emilia into his arms. "Hello Emilia, hello baby girl. I'm your daddy, and I love you so so much and so does your mother."

Just watching them together melts my heart. I almost forgot about what's going to happen until the doctor reminded me.

"How are you Regina are you getting tired at all?" The doctor asks.

"No not yet."

"Wait, what's happening?"

"When Regina found out she was pregnant he had also found out she was to small to carry a child and I told her it could be dangerous. We didn't even know if the baby was going to make it. And now that it did, as we have said before that if the baby did make it, there could be a chance that... She won't."

Robin's pov:
I couldn't believe my ears.

"What?! Regina how couldn't you tell me?!"

"I knew you wouldn't let me do it!"

"Of course I wouldn't! I don't want to lose you!"

"It's okay Robin. Even though I didn't get the ending I intended to have, I want you to have your's even though it's without me. Just promise me you won't forget me." At first I was angry but now tears are falling down my face.

"Regina Please. You can't leave me." I release one hand from under Emilia and take Regina's hand in it.

"It's going to be okay. You'll be fine. On my desk I left a few letters for our angel. Give them to her when it says to." She lays against the pillows her eyes closing every now and then. She voice is also beginning to become weaker.

"Regina please." I say begging.

She slowly turns her head towards me. She takes her hand and settles it on my cheek. "Im sorry." Tears are slowly falling down her pale face. "Please take care of her for me." You can tell she is struggling to breath as she speaks. "I-I Love Yo-" her hand drops.


"NO! NO REGINA NO! PLEASE COME BACK TO ME!" At this point everything is on slow motion. Doctors begin to run into the room pushing me and Emilia out of the door. Emilia's cries, my sobs, and the doctors yells are echoing in my head...

I'm so sorry for not updating in forever!

You guys are probably all mad at me.

I know a lot of you probably hate this ending so comment below if you want me to post an alternate ending. Probably something happier.

Also if you guys wanted the other ending I would also post an epilogue for both of them.

Please comment on what you guys want and I'll be sure to get it to you as soon as I can.

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