Chapter7: Heard

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Robin's pov:
I walked into Granny's with my "happy" family. Me and Marian have been fighting lately, she thinks that I still have feelings for Regina. And to be honest I think I still do, but I can't do anything about it if Regina doesn't want to. Ugh, why does this have to be so complicated.

We sat down in a booth... And that's it. No one spoke. I tried to stay with Marian for Roland's sake but I think he misses Regina too. Marian just doesn't realize that we have changed and we aren't the same as we were before. She treats me like I still love her no matter what happens. I don't know I just can't stand it. I know it's not her fault but...


I turn my head to see where the noise is coming from. There are two woman on the floor. I can't quite tell who they are but I'm guessing they bumped into each other. I don't know why but I can't stop staring. Wow that sounded creepy, but I can't. That one dark haired girl Just mesmerizes me.

Wait, that dark, shiny, beautiful hair that I just want to run my hands through. I know that hair anywhere. Regina.

"Can you give me a minute." I say to my family. I run out of Granny's seeking my true love.

There she is walking away. I run after her. She could probably hear my loud steps and turns around. The girl that I see in front of me is not the same person I knew before. You can see pain and agony basically spewing out of her eyes and this girl is also much much smaller then I remember. She had probably lost about 20-40 pounds.

"Robin." She said in her angelic voice.

"Regina." We spent the first few minutes just starring at each other. Then she speaks up.

"Robin," she takes a deep breath, "what do you want?" She said in a soft tone.

"Regina please you have to listen to me."

She walks up to me and whispers in my ear,"I'm home if you need me." Hearing her voice sends shivers down my back. With that she turns and leaves without another word. I stand there just starting at her as she leaves.
I then return to my family.

After Granny's we took Roland to the park. Marian stayed and played with him while I went on a walk.

What did she mean by "I'm home if you need me." Was she implying that she wanted me to come to her home? Or did she just say that to get me to shut up? Does she want to see me? Should I go to her house? WHAT SHOULD I DO?!

You know what I'll just go talk to her. Right when I'm about to head to Regina's home I'm stopped by a voice behind me.

"Robin, Roland is a bit tired I think we should head back to camp." Said Marian. I look towards the way to Regina's house then back to my family. I take a deep breath and manage to say.

"Ok, let's go."

It's a little after midnight and I sneak out of my tent. I need to see her.

Right when I'm at her front door and about to knock a hand grabs my shoulder.

"Robin, what are you doing here at the Evil Queen's home? You are basically asking for a death sentence!"

"What did you just say?! Did you just call her that?! No! I will not accept it! You cannot say that to her, or even about her! I love her! Ok I said, and I'll say it again I'll scream it on the roof tops! I love Regina Mills! And I will not just stand her and let you talk like that about her." I say in a stern and irritated tone.


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