Chapter5: Isolation

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Regina's pov:
The door opened and I was expecting the doctor but I look up to see Rumple.

"What are you doing here?!" I asked in a harsh tone.

"I was told to come by Ms. Swan. She said something like putting a heart back into you?"

"Yeah well I'm awake now-"

"Why did you do it?"

"What?" I knew what he asked but why did he care?

"Why did you try to kill yourself? What did he do that was that bad?"

"How do you know Robin did it?"

"Well dearie he's the only man that you had let in so he's the only one who can do that much damage to you." I looked down at his point. He is the only man I let in. I let him destroy me. "You know Regina I may be the dark one but I do care for you."

"Belle really changed you didn't she?"

"Yeah and you know Robin did the same to you." With that he got up from his seat and left.

I was aloud out of the hospital this morning and I've been on my coach starting at a blank TV screen since then.
Once Rumple left my hospital room I decided to not let a man ruin me and control me so I put my heart back inside on me. But now with my heart back in I can feel the pain aching in my chest.

I'm alone in the house. Henry hangs around Emma and the Charmings a lot and Robin and Roland are probably with Marian together as a family. And I'm here. In my house alone. Starring at a blank TV screen. Yep they should all be jealous.

Once it turns 6:00 I decide to get ready for bed since I wasn't doing anything else eventful. I go to the restroom and brush my teeth and hair. I look in the mirror seeing a woman I have never seen before. This lady in the mirror has dark dull hair, pale white skin, and huge bags under her eyes from being sleep deprived. I look away not wanting to see her anymore. I go back to my room and change into my nice silk nightgown. I crawl into bed and bring the sheets up to my chin.

I toss and turn for about 2 hours before falling to sleep.

I'm running in the woods trying to get away from the crowd following me which contains everyone i have done wrong to. They are all shouting mean and nasty things to me.

"Where do you think your going "mom"?!" Yelled harshly by Henry who is also in the crowd.

"Hey madam mayor you running from us now?! What are you afraid?!"

I try to ignore all their nasty comments but it's hard really hard. Not paying attention to what's i front of my I bump into a man.

"Robin, Robin please help me?" I ask desperately with tears leaking out of my eyes.

"Why would I help you?! You ruined my family! You killed my wife! You're evil! You're the Evil Queen!" I look into his eyes only to find hatred and disgust. "I'll just do all the town's people a favor and kill you for them."
He takes his arrow and stands back. His arrow pointed directly at me. At this point I'm sobbing closing my eyes shut. I open them up a little seeing Robin let go of the bow.
**End of Dream**

I wake up screaming sitting up on my bed. Sweat dripping from my body. I look around to notice that it was just a dream. Once my heart rate goes back to normal I look at the clock realize it's only 4:30am and I have no desire to fall back to sleep. I decide to get up and take a shower.

By the time I am finished getting ready it's around 5:30 am. I think to myself that no one should be up so not wanting to be seen I go to Granny's now for a coffee.

Just like I expected no one is there. I get a coffee. Go to the grocery store buy a few essentials and head back home not seen by anyone.

That was my schedule for about a month or so. Wake up around 4, go to Granny's around 5, be back by 5:30 and just isolate myself in the house for the rest of the day. In the beginning of the month Snow or Henry would try to check on me but I would never let them in. Robin tried once also but failed and like the other two gave up.

I completely isolated myself and planned to stay like this til I die.
You guys have no idea how much I want to keep posting new chapters. I just want to try to limit myself to at most twice a week to keep the suspense.
Hope you enjoyed!

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