Epilogue4:The End

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Emilia's pov: (14 years old)
I put on a large oversized grey hoodie and a pair of dark jeans. I comb my hair and but on my combat boots. I walk down stairs and head out the door.


Yelled my dad before the door slammed shut.

Robin's pov:

Lately Emilia has been acting up she hasn't eaten much and she's starting to dress a little different. Im really worried about her and I don't know what to do. Everyday when she comes home she heads right to her room and doesn't come out till tomorrow morning to go to school.

I knew I couldn't do this. I just knew I wouldn't be able to take care of her on my own. I really wish Regina was here. I miss her so much. Emilia looks just like her but her eyes are mine. The eyes, the hair, everything.
"Emilia!" She opens the door and comes in. She doesn't even look at me and starts running up the stairs.
"Emilia Marie Locksley, come down here right now!"
She stops in her tracks and looks at me. Her eyes are blood red and tears are falling down her face. "Darling what happened?"

"Nothing that concerns you." And she's back up the stairs and slams her door shut.

I run up and knock on her door.

"Emilia, Emilia, what's wrong? Please I want to help."

"Go away!"

"Emilia open the door!"
Silence. That's all I get now a days.
"Gosh! You're just as stubborn as your mother!"

I walk to mine and Regina's room. I sit on the bed with my face in my hands. "Regina please, I don't know what to do. I never had this problem before and I just don't know. If you were here I'm sure everything would be so much better. I love you so much and I miss you too."

Emilia's pov:
I feel bad about my dad but I just can't deal with talking to him right now. Ever since the beginning of the school year, this group of kids always find a way to harass me and I just can't deal with it.

stupid. ugly. retard. fat. lame.

These names keep on circling in my head. Is it true, am I really all of those things. I stand up from the floor and look in the mirror.
I'm pale, I have bags under my eyes, and my hair is just so limp. I guess it is true.
I open up my drawer and stare at the blade.

I know I shouldn't do it but it's so addicting. I take it out and press it against my arm and reopen the cuts from yesterday.

Right then and there I forget about all the burdens on my shoulders.

"Emilia we should tal-" the door opened and my dad stands at the door with widened eyes.

"Emilia, what-what are you doing?"

I look up at him and his eyes are all glassy.


"Why didn't you tell me?" I can hear the hurt in his voice.

"I'm-I'm- sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"Why are you sorry? I'm the one that should be sorry. Why didn't I know this? How couldn't I tell? Gosh I'm so stupid! Emilia I'm so sorry."

He envelopes me in a hug.

"I'm so sorry dad. I love you so much." I say into his shoulder.

"I love you too princess. Now let's get you cleaned up."
(Still Emila's pov)
"Ok dad so I brought magazines and a few books. What do you want to do first?" Dad smiles at me and closes his eyes.

"I really appreciate it but I just need to rest."

"Ok dad. Just call me if you need me." I went out of his room and head down stairs. So I'm now 22 years old and I like to stay here and watch my dad. He hasn't been feeling well and I'm getting worried about him.

Roland and Henry are coming tomorrow and I can't wait! I haven't seen them in forever! Roland and Henry both have there own families now and live a little further away so I can't see them very often.
I get a cup of tea and bring it upstairs.

Knock knock knock.

"Dad?" I look inside and see him sleeping. I walk over to the bed and place the plate on the bedside table. "Dad wake up, you have to take your medicine."

"Dad come on wake up." I'm shaking him but he won't budge and now I'm starting to get scared. "Dad! Dad please wake up! Dad!" Tears are streaming down my face, "Da-" and his eyes open.

"Oh my gosh Dad don't do that to me again! I-I thought you were-,"

"I'm ok."

"Are you sure?"


"Ok take your medicine okay?" And he nods in response. "Okay goodnight."
(Next morning)
"Good morning dad!" I open up the door to see him looking at an envelope. "Which one is that?" I walk over to him and see what's on the front.

'To Robin, when I get to see you soon.'

"Why would you be reading that one if-" and once I realize what it meant my eyes again began to water. "Dad?"

He looks up at me and hands me the letter. "Can you- can you please read it?"

I look back from him and the letter and decide to take it. I open up the envelope and pull out the handwritten letter.

'Dear Robin,
My love, I'm sorry to hear that you're almost finished with your time on earth but I can't wait to see you again. I know that you took great care of our kids and I'm so happy. I'm not going to say much here bc I know I'll see you soon. I love you my love.
Love, Regina.'

I look up at him and see him smiling with his eyes closed. "I love you Emilia."

"No! You can't leave me! Please! I love you! You're the only one I have left."

"I love you."

"NOOO! Daddy! Please don't leave me!"

"Emilia, are you okay?" I look back at the door behind me to see Henry and Roland.

Okay that is the end of the story.
I might make another one but I'm not sure what do you think?

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