Chapter17: Finally

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Robin's pov:
It's been a month since I saw Emma and Henry leave Regina's house crying and I feel like I'm being eaten alive with curiosity. What happened? Is Regina ok? Did she get hurt? Did someone else get hurt? My head is bursting with questions.

Marian, Roland, and I are now walking to Granny's for breakfast. We sit down in a booth and my mind is again flooded with questions. I get so sidetracked that I don't notice Marian screaming in my face.

"Robin a bird is brushing his teeth." Said Marian.

I looked at her in confusion, "What?"

"I just needed to get your attention. What's getting you so distracted? Is it Her?"

I run my hands through my hair with a groan, "is it that obvious?"

"Well you stare off into nothing with a painful and loving look painted all over you face."

"It's just that I haven't seen her in forever and I don't know if she's ok."

"Then go to her."

"Really?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yeah. We aren't together anymore, I mean I found love again and I can't help but feel guilty for breaking your's. So go."

I nod my head, "Thank you so much." I get up to give her a hug, then I rush out the door.
It's not until I rung the door bell that I realize my hands are shaking. I am nervous as heck. What is she doesn't forgive me? Or worse, what if she's hurt?!

Tink opens the door with a smile but then it quickly disappears when she sees who it is, "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see Regina."

"Well you can't-" but before Tink can continue she is interrupted by a voice behind her.

Regina's pov:
I wake up excited for the day. Henry is coming over to spend the day with me. I'm so glad I don't have to hide it from him anymore. He's so excited for the baby to come and he really wants a boy but he also said a girl will be just as fine. I know I stayed in the house for my whole pregnancy but I only went out to go to my doctor appointments, and still I don't actually go outside, I just poof my self there. I had also decided to keep the gender a surprise.

I get dressed, so I don't look like a hobo but still not my usual-before my pregnancy- kind of clothes. I keep my face makeup free and brush my hair. I'm just about done when I hear the bell ring.

I look at the time. 10:27. Henry isn't suppose to be here until 11. Oh well more time to spend with my little prince. I walk-hobble- down the stairs as fast as my swollen feet can go.

"Hey Henry!" I exclaimed when I'm at the bottom of the stairs. I look at the door and realize it's not Henry.


Oh no. This can't be happening. Please tell me this isn't real.

I pinch myself just to make sure.
"Ow." I mutter quietly and rub my arm. Ok I'm not asleep.

"Uh... H-Hi Robin." I say chewing on my lip. Fingers crossed her doesn't notice my bulging 8 month pregnant stomach.

"I'm going to leave you two alone." Tink walks from the door to I front of me, "Tell me if you need anything ok?"

"Yeah I will." She runs upstairs. I look back up to Robin and notice him staring at my stomach.

"Umm... Please come in." Robin enters and closes the door behind him. I walk towards the couch and he follows behind me.

"So what's new?" I say trying not to pull so much attention to me.

"Regina." He says sternly. "Who's is it?"

"It's-It's...your's." I say with my head down. I wait for him to scream and shout at me but I don't hear a thing, so I look up at him. "Please say something."

"I-I don't know what to say." Now this pissed me off.

"You don't know what to say! You just found out another woman other then your wife, is pregnant with your child and you don't know what to say! Scream at me! I'm a monster! And I'm having your child! You should be furious!"

"Marian and I aren't together anymore."

"Because of me?!" Tears are streaming down my face. "Please don't say it was because of me. I can't ruin your family again. I can't. I don't want to hurt you." I begin to hyperventilate.

"Regina please calm down. It wasn't because of you." I calm down. "She realized she didn't love me anymore. She's actually seeing someone."

"So I'm your second choice." I again, begin to hyperventilate.

"No! That's is totally not true! Regina ever since I said those nasty and disgusting things to you a few months back, I-I just couldn't deal with myself. I couldn't stand the fact that I hurt you, that I cause you pain. What I said was totally untrue. You are not a monster. When I look at you I see a beautiful, strong, bold woman who fights for what she loves. I said that I accepted you that I knew your past and accepted that, so if anyone, I'm the monster." He says with a sad chuckle. "I love you Regina. And the moment you left I realized I can't live without you. I want to start a family with you."

"You already have." I said looking into his beautiful deep blue eyes.

He looks down to my stomach. "Yeah I guess we are already started." He said chuckling. "How far are you."

"Just about 8 months."His eyes begin to water. "Hey what's wrong?"

"I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you through all those tough mornings and weird cravings."

I giggle, "Don't worry Tink has been with me through it all."

"Don't forget to remind me to thank her."

We look back into each others eyes. I can look into those beautiful eyes for forever. We both begin to lean in and once our lips touch, it reminds me of how much I missed them.

"Hey mom I'm sorry I'm late." Then Henry realizes who is with me and what position we are in, "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!"

Yay OutlawQueen is back together!

Oh and next week is a special week of school so I don't know when I'll be able to update. But don't worry I'll be sure to have a chapter up for you by next Saturday!

Hope you enjoyed!

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