BRAZOS BRIDE, Chapter Thirteen

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Brazos Bride

Chapter Thirteen

"Hope, wake up."

Hope came to in a panic when someone gently shook her shoulder. Quickly the day’s horror came back to her—fire’s blazing heat, screaming horses, billowing smoke, men’s desperation. The odor of charred cedar lingered in the air and surrounded her, but she realized she was safe in Micah’s cabin.

"I am awake." She turned into the pillow and inhaled. Soot from her face and hair streaked the fabric, but Micah’s scent remained.

"Sorry I had to disturb your rest. If we don’t leave soon, it’ll be dark before we get to your place."

Near the front door, three valises waited. She noted that Micah had washed and changed clothes, so he must have gone to the river. "Did I sleep so soundly I did not hear you and your brothers gather your clothing?"

"We tried to be real quiet. Left our boots on the porch."

Imagine that. Except for the few hours last night in Micah’s arms, she hadn’t slept well in months. She had begun to think her body would never reclaim the carefree rest it craved.

"There’s a bucket of water for you on the table."

Beside it were some rags and a bar of her lavender soap. The lilac dress she wore yesterday lay across a chair. A white enameled chamber pot sat beside the bed. "You are very thoughtful."

Micah looked embarrassed. "I’ll wait outside. Let me know when you’re ready to leave."

After peering out the window to be certain the men were busy, she relieved herself and put the lid back on the pot. At least she hadn’t thrown up her lunch. Slipping off her outer clothing, she scrubbed herself and tidied her hair.

She slid into the lilac dress. After examining the soot-stained yellow one, she determined it was ruined, then balled it up and laid it in the fireplace. She fastened her shoe buttons, remembering how nice it had been to have Micah perform that simple task for her yesterday and this morning. Assured she was as neat as possible, she walked to the door and stepped outside.

Micah saw her immediately and strode her way. "Great, we’ll go on to your place now. That is, if you’re up to it."

She nodded. "I...where should I empty the water?" She looked around for a privy and whispered, "And the chamber pot?"

"Don’t worry, Bert and Slim will take care of everything."

The other four men joined them. Each appeared to have washed and Micah’s brothers also had changed clothes. Zach grabbed two of the bags and Joel the other, and they stashed them in the buggy.

Micah guided her to the rig. "We’re ready." He lifted her up as if she were a child.

Joel and Zach mounted horses and Micah retied his mount to the back of the rig. Bert and Slim stood nearby.

Slim smiled at her then saluted Micah. "Don’t you worry none about us. We’ll be fine here. We’ll do everything just like you said, Cap’n."

Bert nodded. "Yes, Cap’n, you can count on us. We’re sure proud we met you, Miz Stone."

"In spite of the fire, I’m pleased to have met you both. Thank you for the wonderful meal."

Micah guided the buggy out of the yard and back on the trail. Joel and Zach rode beside them. No one spoke and Hope thought the brothers were too tired for conversation. She certainly was.

The sun was low on the horizon when they arrived at her ranch house. Wispy clouds created a lovely sunset. A breeze sent a dust devil whirling across the road. A road runner ran beside the carriage, it’s brown plumage and crest blending into the shadows when it turned toward a mesquite tree. After the turmoil of the afternoon, the lovely evening seemed from a different world than the charred ruins of Micah’s barn.

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