Chapter 06

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Narcissa sat on the edge of her bed before her mother would come in to wake her. Narcissa stared at the letter sat on her bedside table, there was nothing Lucius could say to make her feel differently. Narcissa bunched the letter into her pocket upon hearing a knock at her door.

"Oh, you're already awake, breakfast is almost-

"Actually mother, I'm going to see Lucius he wasn't in the best shape last night, I promised Abraxas I'd check on him," she explained

"Don't forget you have brunch with Helene and Rebekah," Druella reminded Narcissa as she had forgotten all about brunch.

"I won't be long at Lucius' I just want to make sure he's well enough to accompany me to the Winged Horse raced," Narcissa explained.

Once Narcissa reached Malfoy Manor she was greeted by Abraxas who welcomed Narcissa warmly into his home. Abraxas told Narcissa that Lucius was still in bed, he hadn't woken up yet, Narcissa walked up to his bedroom, knocking on the door lightly.

"Lucius, are you awake?" she asked,

When she didn't hear anything she opened the door a little, he wasn't in bed, she walked into his room. Narcissa spotted something on his bedside table that she didn't see there last night, a photo frame. The picture inside was of Lucius and Narcissa at school Lucius twirling her around in the snow, she remembers that day clearly.

"You use to be so charming," Narcissa thought.

"Narcissa?" Lucius said, walking out of his bathroom, Narcissa quickly put the picture frame down. "What are you doing here?"

"I said, I'd come and check on you,"

"I don't remember a thing from last night," Lucius said, rubbing his eyes, "So what did you think of the letter?"

"What letter?" Narcissa questioned, hoping Lucius didn't know she had the letter.

"There was a letter, I intended to give you, it's no longer in my draw," he explained "I assumed my father gave it to you,"

"I haven't read yet, will you read it to me?" she asked sitting on the edge of his bed, holding the letter for him. Lucius took the letter, sitting beside her. Lucius cleared his throat as he read.

"My Darling Narcissa,

I know you don't enjoy my nicknames, that's why I'm addressing you as Narcissa so you understand the urgency and seriousness of this letter. I hope to one day tell you how truly sorry I am, for breaking up with you without any explanation. I hope you can understand, just how much I do care for you. However, my darling, I have things I need to take care of and there nothing I wouldn't hate more than for you to be stuck in the middle.

Whenever this letter finds you, in a year or in twenty years when you're happily married and raising a family of your own. I wish you the best life, even if I have to watch from the sides.

Yours Always, Lucius."

Narcissa had a small tear roll down her cheek, she had never heard such words fall from Lucius Malfoy's mouth. Lucius grazed his thumb down her cheek, wiping the tear from her face.

"I do love you, I always have," Lucius told her

"You can't do that," Narcissa said, shaking her head

"Do what?"

"Say you love me when you have no intention to be with me," Narcissa stated,

"It's not that I don't want to be with you, I'd love nothing more than to tell the world you're my girl, but I'm involved in something I can't get out of and I won't drag you down with me Cissa, it wouldn't be fair to you," Lucius told her,

Narcissa had known Lucius since their first year, and could easily tell when he was lying to her, she knew that he was being truthful. Every word was the truth. Which only made it harder for Narcissa to know how he felt, she did care for Lucius more than she thought, her being here was proof she cared for him.

"I'm not a little girl that needs a man to protect her, I protect myself and if you think for a second that I need you to look out for me, you're wrong I can look out for myself, go with me to the Winged Horse races,"

"What? I thought you were going to argue with me, not ask me to the races," he questioned

"Don't make me beg you," she said, he smirked

"As I recall you seemed to like begging me," Lucius said, Narcissa nudged his shoulder,

"I have to leave, I trust to receive your invite to the race?" Narcissa questioned

"You'll have to wait and find out," Lucius said,

Narcissa kissed his cheek, before leaving Malfoy Manor. Narcissa hadn't realised how long she had spent at Malfoy Manor, as she was now running late for brunch, though Helene wouldn't notice as she was always late for everything.

Rebekah hadn't stop gushing over Theodore Nott, she had become so smitten with him, she hoped he felt the same. Helene still was looking for her man, while she entertained herself with Theodore Burke. Narcissa however, couldn't stop thinking about Lucius letter, repeating the words in her mind. Hoping he truly felt that way. 

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