Bio [Read bottom]

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[So before i get started with the Bio, i originally was going to make this book about Mihaly instead, but Pasternak has a special place in my heart since AC6 was the one to get me into AC as a whole, and Pasternak was the first ever videogame boss to make my heart beat unnaturally fast, so yeah this one is going to be what my first book is about, but if some people are interested in a book with Mihaly in a different anime, then just tell me]

Name: Y/N Pasternak

Age (Before Missile-Kun): 37

Age (After Missile-Kun): 15

Callsign: Strigon 1

Nicknames: The Red Reaper, Number Nine, Undying Ace

looks: Your hair color, eye color, short messy hair, a small scar under your left eye

Height: 6' 2"

Body Build: Muscular

Skills: One of the best in aerial combat and pretty skilled at hand to hand as well, Highly resistant to G-Forces like the fucker doesn't have blood or some shit meaning he can do some crazy stuff, a good strategist, and extremely smart but is pretty lazy most of the time, But will always be the Ace everyone needs


CFA-44 Nosferatu (Nickname: Nos)

CFA-44 Nosferatu (Nickname: Nos)

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ADMM: All Directional Multi-Purpose Missiles: Extremely powerful missiles that can lock onto up to 12 enemies. Codenamed: Inferno

EML: Electromagnetic Launchers x2: A pair of railguns that load extremely quickly and are effective in sniping long range targets and in dogfights, nets an instant kill on weak planes. Codenamed: Pergatorio

ECMP: Electronic Countermeasure Pods: A system that can destroy all incoming missiles in an instant. Codenamed: Cocytus

ESM: Electronic Support Measures: A system that sacrifices the plane's stealth and speed in return for supporting nearby friendlies and their missiles along with his own UAVs

UAV 45: A swarm of drones carried by the CFA-44, that aid in battle, due to only having a machine gun and their small size, they use teamwork and mobility to overwhelm most opponents  (CFA can only carry 12 of these but can be used in conjunction with ADMM or EML). Codenamed: Malebolge

[Each of the weapon ammo restocks while in the hangar]

[That's the end of the Bio, Also, Y/N will take the place of Ichika, meaning that Ichika will have a different role in the story. (But to also add, i will not be fully following the events of the anime. I will add on it and in some cases, change the events. I don't want to make a book with the reader simply added in, i  want to make it so he's the main character with his own adventure instead of just switching places with Ichika or just replacing him, when i say take the place of Ichika, i mean as the main character. I failed to say this in an earlier copy of this and after pondering whether or not i should just remove Ichika entirely, i've decided to keep him but as stated before, he will not be in the same role as in the anime he will have a much different role according to my story. So that's my final desiion on the story) anyway, hope to see ya in later chapters]

The Undying Ace (Ace Combat Pilot x Infinite Stratos)Where stories live. Discover now