♡⛓It'll all be okay⛓♡

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Character: Kurapika Kurta

AU: None

Warnings: My Anxiety attacks (which affects my Asthma so I can't breathe), Mentions of drug abuse

Also Y/n is slightly based off me a little bit in this one

Pronouns: They/them (Gender neutral)

Please enjoy!


I sat bolt upright in bed, feeling my lungs refusing to take the air around me. My throat felt as though it were coated in blood from all the coughing. I looked besides me to find Kurapika sound asleep in the hotel bed. The smell of cigarettes filled my nostrils as I tried to take a breath through my nose. That's why this was happening. The smell of cigarette smoke reminded me of biological father, so it was obviously a trigger. He never did anything to me, but he was addicted to drugs and was so cruel to my mom. She stayed for me. 'Selfish bastard. You take everyone you love for granted.'  I thought to myself, taking in the anxiety. 'In fact, you're just like him' I walked over to the bathroom and turned on the faucet, splashed some cold water on my face. I glanced at the mirror and scowled, realizing how similar I looked to him. The water didn't help calm me down, and I still couldn't breathe very well.

I walked back to where the beds were and scrounged through my belongings to find my inhaler and some cough drops. I did two puffs of my inhaler and ripped open the bag. I popped one of the bitter drops in my mouth. Little did I know, I opened the bag way too loud, which woke up Kurapika. "Baby? Are you awake?" His eyes were still sleepy.

"Um yeah." I said, hearing the wheeze in my chest.

"Why are you out of bed love? Did something happen?" He fully sat up. I shook my head and walked back to where he was laying. He held me in his chest, wrapping has arms around my waist and running his fingers through my hair. "Darling, are you having an asthma attack?" Breathing got a bit harder.

"Um yeah. I took my inhaler and some cough drops, but it didn't really help." I sighed. Well tried to, as I've said breathing was incredibly difficult.

"Last time you said black coffee and a shower helped. Do you want to try that again?" Kurapika continued to play with my hair. "And this whole hotel reeks of smoke. Do you want to try and go to a different one?"

"No. I don't think we've got the money to leave." I sighed, trying to breathe more.

"Well, we can't stay here. I know the smoke triggers both the asthma and the anxiety so we should get out of here." He planted a kiss on my forehead. "And don't worry about money. I can always earn it back."

"No, you'll have to work longer. I don't like that idea." I felt like curling up in a ball and dying. Asthma feels like the air is putting you in a chokehold and with the anxiety on top of that, it feels like the air is also screaming at you that you're doing everything wrong.

"Okay, but we're getting you out of this nasty hotel, whether you like it or not." He got up out of bed. "Did you pack any Vicks? I think that could help too." Kurapika began packing up some of the bags.

"Yeah I did."

"Once we get you showered and help the asthma we'll calm you down." He picked up some bags and grabbed my hand. "Do you have everything?" I nodded. "Come here." He scooped me up in his arms and carried me bridal-style.

We checked out of the hotel and Kurapika called a cab. He held me tightly the whole way, making sure I was okay. We finally checked into the new hotel and we rushed to our rooms. "Okay, go take a shower and hand me your clothes when you're done. I'm gonna go get some coffee for you." He placed me on one of the bed and kissed my forehead. "After that we can just unwind and watch a movie." 

"Okay." I said shakily and walked to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and began peeling off my clothes, which smelled of smoke. I walked in the shower once it was the right temperature and closed the shower curtain. I felt the warm water wash over my back, trying to imagine the anxiety wash away with it. I took in a deep inhale and exhaled slowly. My whole body felt shaky and I wanted to collapse. I heard a knock at the door.

"I'm here with some clothes for when you're all done." Kurapika spoke calmly. 

"Okay um...come in." I replied, fidgeting with my hands. I couldn't hear what Kurapika was doing, nor could I see him.

"I'll be back soon. I love you." Kurapika said, walking out of the bathroom and closing the door. I quickly finished my shower, not wanting to take longer than necessary and covered myself in a towel. I noticed the clothes that Kurapika had brought for me had a little note on them.

'I took your other clothes to the wash. All your other clothes smell like smoke, so you can wear mine for now. I'll be back soon with some snacks. Try to stay calm in the meantime.

-Kurapika '

I smiled at the note, which seemed to calm me down significantly. I closed my eyes and took in another deep breath, which was easier now that I had showered. I put on the clothes, which were really big on me. They were soft and comfy and made me feel much safer. I walked out of the bathroom and collapsed on one of the beds. The asthma was still kind of bothering me, but it wasn't as bad as it was before. As far as Anxiety goes, I felt a bit better but I was still panicky.

Kurapika quietly opened the hotel door and crept towards the bed. I sat up and Kurapika smiled a little bit. He set down the convenience store bag that was filled with snacks somewhere on the bed. "Do you feel a bit better now?" He asked, cupping his hand on my cheek. I nodded, smiling and closing my eyes. "That's good. I know you don't like it, but you gotta drink this." He held up the black coffee that he ordered.

"But Ku! It's yucky!" I whined, not wanting to taste the bitterness of coffee without anything else in it.

"I know, but it's gonna help you. I promise. I got a bunch of snacks for when you finish it." He handed me the cup, which I took. I quickly downed the coffee and scrunched my nose, hating the taste. "See, was that so bad?"

"Yes it was." I moved closer to where he was sitting on the bed and put my head on his chest. He played with my hair like how he did earlier. This time he was rubbing my back and humming a little bit.

"You're okay. Everything's okay. I'm here." He whispered, still making circle motions on my back. "Can I ask what made you feel anxious?" I took a deep inhale.

"I was thinking about..." I wrapped my arms around his neck, playing with the ends of his hair. "My dad. And how I'm like him. How I look like him and how...how I take everything for granted, like how he does." Kurapika moved a bit so we were now just sitting across from each other. He held my face with his calloused, yet soft hands. He had a stern expression on his face. My eyes tried to avoid his.

"Look at me." I did as he said. "You are nothing like that low-life drug addict. You are kind and brave. Y/n, you're intelligent and empathetic and so incredibly loving. You're like...an angel and I won't have my angel comparing themselves to a dead-beat." He stroked my cheek using his thumb. I nodded.

The rest of the night was spent cuddling, eating snacks, and watching movies. "You look really cute in my clothes by the way." Kurapika smiled, planting a kiss on my cheek.

Woo! Finally done. I hope you all enjoyed this little oneshot. Kurapika is my comfort character, and whenever I go through something painful, I just imagine he's with me. I love you, take care of yourself! ❤️

Word count: 1403

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