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Character: Killua Zoldyck 

Part two to my previous Killua one shot!

AU: Mermaid Killua

Warnings: kissing I guess (???) and strong language 

Pronouns: They/them (gender-neutral)

Also, you have to get kinda creative with this one because I'm a terrible author. (F/c) means favorite color. I'm sorry bestie but idk what tail would match your ✨aesthetic✨

Please enjoy!


I slowly woke up to find a White haired ball of fluff moving in all different directions. I looked beside me to find my backpack, which was absolutely drenched. My vision was a bit hazy, but after a little bit of blinking I could see normally again. I was in a cave with a lantern that was pretty close to my head. Persephone was sleeping on my stomach, her breathing pattern told me she was alive. I slowly sat up on my elbows, trying not to disturb Persephone. Turns out, the ball of fluff was a person. They had white fluffy hair and Blue eyes. They were staring at the ground and messing around with something. Their hands had blue specks on them and his elbows appeared to have webbed dorsal fins on them. Next to them was someone of a similar build, but with Raven hair and green specks. The albino was sitting in a small pool. He noticed I finally woke up and went a bit lower in the water. I moved Persephone and fully sat up.

"So you're awake?" He spoke. "Hi. Thank you for keeping me alive. Did you steal anything?" I asked, knowing the real answer was probably yes. "Well we poked around cuz we haven't really seen humans before." The one with black hair piped in, his voice as sweet as honey.

"What do you mean humans?" I asked, sitting up a little more. "Oh, well we're mer-" The boy with white hair covered his mouth. "It's nothing." He smiled, albeit quite aggressively.

"You guy's aren't human are you?" I put Persephone on the ground, right next to my backpack. "What makes you say that?" The boy with blue specks put his elbows on the ground. "Those fins on your arms. Also, when you started talking you moved deeper in the water for some reason." I pointed out.

"Killua can we please tell them?" The raven haired boy asked. "Fine." Killua sighed. Killua pushed himself out of the water, revealing a large, blue tail with shimmery scails. He frowned the entire time. The other boy did the same, showing off his green tail that also shimmered. However, he was much more enthusiastic about it. He smiled and gave little jazz hands. I let out a small gasp of amazement.

"Mermaids!" I quickly rushed over to Killua and began examining him. "So can you guys still breath? Do you have lungs? Where are your gills? Are there more Mermaids?" I was talking incredibly fast, my fascination taking over.

Killua hopped back in the water, with an annoyed expression on his face. "First of all, the correct term is Merfolk. Second of all, we could teach you more about anatomy if you actually gave us a moment!" His friend also looked a bit upset, and hopped in the water. "Leave them alone Killua, they didn't know."

"Okay I apologize. May I ask you questions?" I asked, moving a bit closer to the small pool. "Yeah!" Killua's friend said happily. "Okay. So I noticed red marks on your guy's abdomen. Are those your gills?"

"Yup! We also have lungs so we can breathe on land too! We can only talk when our gills are underwater though. Oh! I'm Gon by the way." He held out his hand which I shook enthusiastically. "Y/n! And I'm assuming you're Killua?" I turned to the fluffy haired boy. "Yeah that's me." He said gruffly.

"Can I touch your tail?" I cautiously asked Gon. He nodded and but his tail up on the ground. I carefully touched it, feeling that it was actually quite satisfying to touch. There were four fins at the end of his tail, two short ones and two long ones that were somewhat transparent. They had a green tint to them. I touched the transparent ones and he started giggling "That tickles!" I chuckled a bit. I turned over to Killua. "Do you have shark teeth?" He looked a bit  conflicted and turned to Gon, who nodded. Killua opened his mouth a bit, revealing sharp, white teeth. "They aren't shark teeth, but they're pointy." He said after a little bit of me looking at them.

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