♡⛓Happy Birthday Kurapika⛓♡

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Kurapika's Birthday is today! I wanted to write a special one-shot for him because he's one of my favorite HxH characters! I hope you enjoy~♡

♡Y/n's POV♡

I woke up, glancing over at a sleeping Kurapika. The sun hit his face perfectly, as always. I got up, got ready, and rushed to the kitchen. Today was April 4th, Kurapika's birthday. I tried to make breakfast at least seem edible, which I think I did a pretty good job of. His breakfast consisted of bacon, eggs, and pancakes with strawberries on top. My mission today was to make sure Kurapika had the best birthday ever, and I was off to a pretty good start already.

I put the plate on a tray, along with a cup of coffee. I slowly walked over to our shared apartment bedroom, trying not to spill anything. I opened the door and placed the tray on our nightstand. "Kurapika, It's time to wake up," I said, shaking him lightly. He stirred and opened his eyes slightly.

"Good morning." He smiled, his voice was a bit raspy. "You made me breakfast?" Kurapika glanced over at the nightstand. I nodded.

"Thank you. Have you eaten yet?" The blonde asked, concerned as always.

"Yeah, I have." I lied. "Now eat! I made it just for you." I giggled as he took a bite.

"When you're all done, get ready. I'm taking you out today." I planted a kiss on his forehead and walked over to the door. "What's the occasion?" He asked, a bit of pancake falling out of his mouth.

"You were born. Not that big a deal, but I still wanna celebrate." I teased and walked out the door. He faked a gasp as I closed it behind me.

I heard a ring at our doorbell and I rushed over to it. Sure enough, it was Leorio, Killua, and Gon. "Hey, guys! Are you ready to party?" I asked, my smile growing wider. Gon and Killua nodded. Leorio brought a party hat from out of his bag and placed it on his head.

"Alright, I'm ready." Kurapika came out of our room in some cozy attire. "Hey, birthday boy!" Leorio called out. Kurapika just laughed a little. "Good morning Leorio." He smiled.


After a small train ride, we arrived at a nice cafe. We payed the driver and hopped off. I grabbed Kurapika's hand somewhat tightly. He smiled.

A small waiter greeted us at the door, and we were led to our table. "So, Kurapika. What were you hoping to get today?" I grinned. The blonde placed his menu down and thought about it for a little.

"I think all I wanted today...was to spend time with you." Kurapika reached for my hand and smiled sweetly. Killua pretended to vomit while Gon let out a small "awe". Leorio just sighed. "Get a room you two!".

"Should we?" I asked,wiggling my eyebrows in a "flirtatious" manner. Kurapika's face turned a shade of pink.

"Here you are!" The same waiter that led us to our table swung by with a big cake. It was a red velvet cake with white frosting on top. There were a few candles on top that were all lit up. "Happy birthday sir!" They turned the other way.

"But we didn't order anything yet..." Kurapika said, a confused expression written on his face.

"A few days ago I stopped by and asked for the cake before anything else. Life's short,so why not have the cake first?" I smiled.

We began to sing a very out of tune song of happy birthday which Kurapika winced at. Killua tried to hit a high note, but puberty said no. When we stopped singing, Kurapika just stared at the cake.

"What are you waiting for Kurapika? Make a wish!" Gon grinned. Kurapika smiled and blew out his candles.

"So, what'd you wish for?" Leorio asked. 

"He can't tell you! It won't come true!" I replied. Kurapika laughed a little bit.

"I'm already so blessed. I have amazing friends and an amazing S/O. I don't need anything else." Kurapika smiled. Gon's grin got wider.

"Don't say things like that, idiot..." Killua muttered.

We spent the rest of the day just hanging out and laughing. It had gotten dark so everyone decided to head back to where they were staying.

"It's been a long time since anyone's thrown me a party for my birthday. Thank you." Kurapika whispered after I had flopped on the bed.

"Don't thank me for anything. This is what you deserve. You deserve a nice life with good friends." I smiled. "I'm tired. Good night birthday boy." I planted a small kiss on his forehead and fell asleep.

I know this isn't much, but it's all I could think of. I thought it could be cute but I wasn't too sure. Lemme know what you think! I love you! Please take care of yourself. Goodbye! <3

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