Chapter 14: Doctor, Doctor I'm Sick

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Stefania opened her eyes and looked at the clock on her bedside table that said 5:45 AM. She reached for her phone but dropped it screen first on the floor. She picked it up only to see a cracked screen making the fonts hardly readable.

Good thing she gets to be with Danielle today on the set, the thought making her smile a little. She sighed as she looked at her phone again and just took Jeff outside for a walk.

"Good morning! Why are you here?" Jay curiously asked Stefania who just arrived on the set.

"I have a scene with Danielle," she said smiling like a fool.

"Didn't they tell you?"

"Tell me what?" Stefania asked confused.

"Spampinato! What brought you here?!" Barrett shouted as she walked towards Jay and Stefania.

"She doesn't know Danielle is sick," Jay answered for the brunette.

"Shit. My phone is broken," Stefania sighed but her expression changed when she realized what Jay has said.

"Wait. Danielle is sick?"

"Yeah, I thought she told you. I went to her house this morning and brought soup I said I'll come back later to check on her. She can barely speak to me," Barrett said feeling sorry for her friend.

Stefania started looking for her keys so that she could go and check on Danielle. "I have to go but I need to borrow your spare key to Danielle's house," Stefania said feeling worried.

"Here," said Barrett as she removed the key from her keychain.

"Take care!" Jay said as the brunette said goodbye.

She stopped at the nearest pharmacy and bought variety of medicines since she's not really sure what Danielle was feeling. She also bought food for the both of them.

"Honey," Stefania tried calling Danielle not too loud just in case she's asleep.

She went straight to Danielle's bedroom but the blonde was not there then she heard something in the bathroom. Danielle was there kneeling near the toilet vomiting.

Stefania immediately walked towards her holding the blonde's hair.

"How did- What are you doing here? I'm gross," Danielle said and by the sound of her voice she was in a lot of pain.

"You're not. How do you feel?"

"Can't stop puking" Danielle managed to say as she threw up again. "Dr. Carina DeLuca, I think you got me pregnant," the blonde said jokingly. Stefania smiling to the thought.

Danielle stood up, almost shaking, in front of the sink and gargled with water then mouthwash. She walked towards the bed holding Stefania's hand for balance.

"You can kiss me now," the blonde said pouting. Stefania chuckled as she landed a kiss on Danielle's lips.

"Did you message me this morning that you're sick? the brunette asked as she looked at Danielle's confused face.

"Oh sorry. I broke my phone so I wouldn't know."

"Yes. But I just said Good morning, beautiful. I thought the staff would tell you that the shoot was canceled," Danielle explained, her head on Stefania's lap. The brunette's just staring at the blonde's beautiful face memorizing every detail. She then traced along her nose line with her finger tips then her jaw up to Danielle's lips now smiling.

"It's unfair that you didn't tell me you're sick. Btw, have you eaten at all? I saw an untouched soup in your kitchen," Stefania said raising her eyebrows.

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