chapter eight: Deffo flirting

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<Sapnap's POV>

I sat her in the back of the car with me. I buckled myself in, and watched as the car slowly filled up with our friends. Clay and George sat next to eachother, minx sat in the front, and y/n and me sat in the very back.

"Sapnap, I'm bored." Y/n said, making a pouty face at me.

"Well, alright. What do you wanna do? Considering we're in a car though, we cant do much." I said, looking into her gorgeous (y/e/c) eyes glistening in the sun.

"Can you please sing for me." She said, making puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh, fine." I said, patting her head.

"Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend somewhere along in the bitterness. And I would have stayed up with you all night had I known how to save a life." I sang as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Sapnap. You sound amazing." She said, poking my stomach.

"No I dont. Thank you though." I said.

"Yes you do." She said.

"Listen I'm not good at anything other than minecraft pvp." I said, it was true, that's all I've ever been good at.

"Listen Sapnap. You are amazing. You're like a big ol' teddy bear that loves cuddles and hugs. You're adorable, sweet, funny, and a great friend. You are a nice person to talk to, and spend time with. I literally couldnt ask for a better friend." She said, grabbing my hand.

I began to get teary-eyed because I care about her alot. And hearing her say those things made me happy. It showed that she cared, and this is when I realized how badly I had fallen for her.

"Sappy-nappy. Sapnap. Hello? Bud you alright?" She said, tapping me.

"Hm? Yeah?" I said, zoning back into reality.

"You zoned out silly goose." She said, smiling.

"Oh sorry." I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

"No it's fine. You had me worried for a second though." She said, patting my shoulder.

"I didnt mean to worry you. It happens sometimes." I said, ruffling her hair.

"Okay." She said, hugging me.

I hugged her back and watched as we pulled into the drive thru for wendy's. We all told Minx what we wanted. We stayed dead silent whilst she ordered.


Minx parked the car and we all got out. Y/n got on my back and we ran inside. We stopped in the kitchen to grab our food, which Minx kindly handed to us. Then, we sprinted to y/n's room. We ran in and shut the door.

We were both laughing like crazy. We basically collapsed on the floor.

"Sapnap...why...are...we laughing?" She said between laughs.

"I honestly don't know." I said, setting the food down.

"FOOD! Gimme gimme!" She said, scooting closer to the bag of food.

"Chill. Alright here." I said, handing her food to her.

"Thank you." She said.

She stood up and shuffled over to the corner of her room and sat down on the beanbag. Her hair shined bright, and her eyes glistened. She looked perfectly happy and content. I smiled and grabbed my food. I walked over to where she was and sat next to her.

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