chapter five: outlast

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<y/n's POV>

I woke up in Sapnap's fort and sat up. Looking around Sapnap was nowhere in sight. I smelled the smell of freshly baked pancakes, but the aroma was too close for it to be in the kitchen. The scent had filled my whole room. So I crawled out and saw Sapnap sitting on my bed with two plates of pancakes.

"Hey I grabbed you a plate of pancakes since I didnt want to wake you." He said, scooting over so I could sit down.

"Hey, thanks Sapnap." I said, giving him a slight smile.

"Why exactly were you crying last night? I mean you don't have to talk about it if you dont want to." He said, shoving a piece of pancake into his mouth.

"I dont really feel like telling you right now. But uh it's nice to finally see you in person. I was beginning to wonder what the asshole who was mean to me on discord and in minecraft looked like, and to be honest, I refuse to believe that you were that asshole." I said, causing him to almost choke on his food.

"Well, uh, that's me. The asshole behind the screen. I want to apologize for being that mean to you though. I was just putting up a front around yo-" I cut him off.

"Listen Sapnap. You used to make my blood boil, and give me pounding headaches. What you said last week really hurt, and I didnt leave Minx's room at all. But seeing you in person makes me feel like an ass for being mean to you. And I'm... sorry." I said, looking away from his direct eye contact.

"I- I'm sorry too. Like genuinely. I really am. I didnt mean to hurt you that much. And I dont really think before I speak, which makes it hard to be nice sometimes." He said scooting closer to me.

"Sapnap, can we just start over and be friends, please?" I asked, hugging him.

"Hehe, sure." He said, hugging me back.

"Ok. Good." I said, hugging him tighter. He began jokingly gasping for air, causing me to laugh.

"Hey I wanna stream later. Wanna join in on the fun?" I asked, running my hand through my hair.

"Sure, but what are we playing?" He asked, standing up.

"Outlast. Alex recommended the game to me; told me he was scared shitless." I said, leading him to my desk.

"Where can I sit?" He asked as I pulled out an extra gaming chair from my closet.

"Here ya go!" I said smiling.

"Hey I'm just gonna collect the plates because Clay and George are doing the dishes." Minx said as she grabbed the plates and cups.

"Okay! Tell them that I'm getting ready to stream." I said, setting up my facecam.

"Alrighty! Bye and have fun!" Minx said, turning around to leave.

"Thank you! And I will!" I responded, loading up my 'starting soon' screen.

"Ok, I just sent out the notification, so we'll wait until we have a good amount of viewers and then I'll start the actual stream, and explain the rules to you." I said, spinning around to look at Nick.

"Sounds good y/n." He said, sitting down, whilst I made sure we were both in frame.

We waited a few minutes and once we hit over 5,000 viewers we started the stream.

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