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"I think he knows his hands around
A cold glass
Make me wanna know that body
Like it's mine
He got that boyish look that I like in a man
I am an architect, I'm drawing up the plans
It's like I'm seventeen, nobody understands
No one understands"
-I think he knows
  (Taylor Swift)

"Stop it, spin the bottle is super overrated", Lisa exclaims from her place on the couch next to Dane who hugs her and laughs non stop.
After the whole "paparazzi-anxiety-kiss" moment, I brought Steven to my house. He looked like he needed a family and we are the closest to family that he has here, so now we are sitting by the couch with Dane, -who looks like is permanently moving here, since he doesn't leave Lisa's side, not that she minds - Lisa and Jordan chatting and drinking watermelon juice.

It's nice, cozy, it feels like home and I see Steven feels the same because his eyes are gleaming the way they used to when we were younger. He feels safe here and that makes me happy.

Lisa, Jordan and Dane saw all the mess on Twitter so they didn't have any questions when I came up with Steven looking like he just saw a ghost. Turns out the paparazzi did manage to snap a picture of me in the car with Steven, but I didn't tell him. No need to worry about this now. I'm okay with it actually, they will forget eventually.

"What do you think, Mack?", Jordan asks and I blink. What did she say? They saw the question in my eyes and Dane said after rolling his eyes, "your opinion on spin the bottle. Stop daydreaming little sis", they look at me expectantly, like my opinion will end a war.

"Overrated", Lisa and Steven cheer while Jordan and Dane roll their eyes, "really, it's just an excuse for kissing someone you want to kiss, and you might kiss someone else in the process, so it's kind of ridiculous"

"Agree with her", Steven says with his eyes shining. Dane scowls at him, but Jordan and Lisa have a glimpse of mischief in their eyes.
"Okay then, no spin the bottle. Let's play 'never have I ever'", Jordan yells laughing.

We all agree to that and Dane starts, "never have I ever...gone skinny dipping", Lisa's chin drops, "you've never?", Dane looks back at her with an eyebrow raised, "you have?!", she just shrugs putting a finger down, "Jordan, Mack and Steven?"

Steven and I look at each other smirking, and I feel hot all over before putting a finger down. Oh how many times we did that in laguna beach. Jordan has never but she looks at me and Steven amazed. Dane looks like he'll kill Steven. And Lisa, well she knew and just laughs .

"Okay, moving on. Never have I ever wrote a love letter", Lisa yells. I feel Steven's gaze on me but refuse to return it. The letter he left on the hotel room, the songs he wrote. It stings.

Jordan and Steven put their fingers down, but they both look like don't want to comment on it so we move on, "never have I ever... gotten a tattoo", Jordan says eyeing dane's full tattooed arms. He rolls his eyes before putting a finger down and right after, Steven and I follow his lead, earning a gobsmacked look from Jordan when she sees I put a finger down.

"You have a tattoo?!", she yells. Subtle as always, "how come I've never seen it??", Jordan looks amused. I just laugh before responding, "I have two",  Lisa and Dane look at me curiously, they didn't know about my second tattoo, while Steven looks at me with heat and desire on his eyes "one is on my lower back," I get up showing my ivy branch to Jordan, the tattoo I did with Steven. I can see that realization hits her when she looks at Steven's forearm, where a same ivy branch is tattooed with a date on top of it. She connected the dots and thankfully doesn't ask the meaning of it.

"It's beautiful", she tells me, sounding curious, "and what about the other one, ms. Forbes?", Jordan asks with her eyebrows raised. Steven looks just as curious while Dane looks like he might throw up.

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