4 years ago (mackenzie)

17 1 4

Mack, 15/ Steven, 15
I wake up to the sound of music. It's a soft melody being played by a guitar. I love it. And I know who is there before I even get to open my eyes. He's playing "can't take my eyes off you." One of my favorite songs, and I can't help the grin that spreads through my face.

"Time to wake up sleepy head, 10 in the morning already."  Steven's voice ring in my ears. It's a silky and husky voice. I love it.

"No, stop, go away, I need my beauty sleep you asshole," I answer jokingly before throwing my pillow on his head and coming back to under the covers. "How did you get in here anyway?" Curiosity sparks through me.

"I climbed through your windows obviously, my dear Juliet," he says before throwing the pillow back at me. "Joking, cause that's creepy. Your mom made breakfast, and I can safely say I got here through the front door."

"Good thing, you stalker, now leave, I'm getting ready for breakfast and then where will we go later?" I reply while throwing my covers and pillows on the floor and getting up from bed.

"Ookayy, but you have 15 minutes to get ready or I will come back. And it's a secret my love, you won't know until you are there," he tells me in a suspicious but exciting way. My stomach fills with butterflies, which I immediately hold back.

He is Steven for god's sake, my best friend for 7 years, Steven. We are never and can't ever be together. But I just can't help not noticing how good he's been looking lately, his once slim figure is now muscly and broad, it's appealing, and most girls at school are swooning over him already, what can I say? My bestie is a hottie indeed, and I'm just Mack, the girl next door, his best friend and almost sister. It's almost a crime thinking about him that way, too cliche and it would just ruin our friendship.

However, that doesn't stop people from thinking we are a couple, I mean, we are quite literally inseparable and it doesn't help that he is literally the boy next door. Yep, there's probably 10 million books written about this. Not interested in living up to it.

I force myself to focus on him again. "Yes, mister, will do as you say. And don't call me love, it's gross. Go after Lisa declare your undying love." I loved to joke about his little crush on Lisa when we were younger.

"Oh, that was low cheesie, get ready faster. You already lost 5 minutes in this 'we are just friends and nothing else' speech." He slams the door sounding annoyed.

I don't get it, he's been acting so weird lately, it's unsettling. Ever since we completed 15 he just seems to look at me differently, jokingly flirting around and it makes me insecure.

I just wish we could stop growing. Stop in time and keep being Stevie and cheesie, like we were in first grade. Us against the world. Now there's some tension in the air everywhere we are, unspoken words and stolen stares. Not that I hate. It's just scary, this feeling I get in myself.

I damn well know I shouldn't be daydreaming about kissing my best friend's lips.

Gosh, I need to stop overthinking.

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