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It's 1:58 am when my phone rings. The incessant noise pulling me out of bed. Not that I was sleeping though. Actually I was just lying awake staring at the ceiling, thinking about this man that's driving me crazy. The memories started flashing in my mind the minute my head hit the pillow, not allowing Myself to drift.

How can he be so horrendous that he even messes with my sleeping schedule? Anyways, I thought he would call me tomorrow since it's already late, but of course StEvEn has to talk to you whenever he wants. Don't know why I'm surprised, he's always been like this.

Picking up my phone I just answer, "hey", I feel his exhale of relief and then he asks, "did I wake you?" He earns points for sounding worried, but I just reply with a, "no, I was awake. Is everything ok?"

He quickly says, "yeah, everything is fine. Could you get down here? I'm in front of your building". Yes, I guessed so. I just tell him I'll be down in a minute before picking up a pair of jeans, sweater and leather boots.

After gathering all my stuff I just stroll down the Dark living room, coming face to face with Dane, of all people, with a glass of water in hands. I frown in confusion and he looks like he's been caught commiting a crime.
"What the hell are you doing here? When did you get here? How didn't I listen?", I say in a hushed tone. I mean, why would he come back three hours after leaving?

"Lisa couldn't sleep, so I came here thirty minutes ago to keep her company. You didn't listen because she opened the door for me and different from you we know how to be silent", he replies in a hushed tone too, "and about that, where do you think you are going young lady?" He completes putting up a "big brother" pose.

I just roll my eyes at that before picking up the house keys and my Chanel purse, "need to fix some stuff, will come back later. Tell the girls if they ask. Bye Dane", I open the front door, using my cellphone lantern, but before I can close it, Dane whispers shout, "say hi to Steven for me", i can sense a smile on his lips when he says that. I throw him the finger before coming out of the door but I listen when he says, "be safe, love you" and I silently smile at that.

When I get to the streets, I see Steven's Range Rover parked in front of my building. The windows are tinted, paparazzi proof I presume,  so I only actually see him when I get inside. He's wearing a dark grey long sleeved shirt matched with dark jeans. His hair is damp like he just came out of the shower. His strong citric scent fills my nostrils.
God, he is so attractive. That's so unfair. Steven smirks at the way I'm so blatantly checking him out, but I can see him checking me too.

"So, where are we going?", I ask, breaking the silence and as usual he just answers, "let's drive", I snort over the well known quote he's said to me so many times and he realizes that too because I see the ghost of a grin on the corner of his lips.

We drive in silence with the headlights off for a couple of minutes listening to his playlist that involves a lot of queen and nirvana, when he asks, "want to choose a song?", I just shake my head signaling that I was fine with the song choice. Right after this interaction, "often" by the weekend blasts through the car and I have to bite the inside of my mouth to keep me from smiling.

StEvEn though, starts singing the whole lyric, making me blush. "She asked me if I do this everyday, I said often..." he sings, throwing a glance my way, I just roll my eyes before surprising him, "asked how many times she rode the wave, not so often. Bitches get to do it either way often", he looks at me with a smile tucking on his lips and surprise on his eyes before we start singing along to The weekend's dirtiest lyrics. I have fun with him like we used to have fun. And that scares me.

I end up falling asleep with the calming sway of the car and when I wake up I can see we are no longer in Manhattan, but on The mountainous roads of New Jersey. "Hey, sleeping beauty", Steven says with a husky voice. I look up to him and surprisingly I'm not scared. With any other person taking me away from my town I'd be scared to death. But somehow Steven brings me a different type of trust and comfort.

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