Getting Fruity on a Friday Night: Extra Pt. 1

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Extra Story: Pico's Birthday

Keith and Pico were on a date, as per usual. Ever since they had cleared their misunderstandings, Keith couldn't help but see him almost every day.

One thing was poking at him, though. He doesn't know much about Pico.

"Pico," Keith started, "when is your birthday?" He wasn't sure why, but asking this question seemed a little shameful. He didn't even know his boyfriend's birthday.

"What a coincidence for you to ask," Pico replied. He looked into the cup of black coffee he got, swirling it a little with the motion of the cup, "It's in a week."

Keith felt a rush of panic shoot through him, "I-In a week?!" He had to do something, and quick!

"Ah, but don't worry. I don't celebrate much."
Pico chuckled at Keith's sudden reaction.

"Hm, alright. Then I won't make a big fuss." This was another lie he produced. Of course, I'm gonna make it a big fucking deal!

As Keith made his way back to his apartment complex, he immediately got to his small laptop to see what he could do.

He searched a plethora of things to do:

1. What to do for your boyfriend on his birthday
2. Top ten things to do for someone's birthday
3. What do boyfriends like
4. Romantic things to do for someone's birthday
5. Maid costume

Keith wasn't sure how he went from point A to point Z, aka the maid costume, but he wasn't familiar with this kind of stuff.

"Maid... costume?" He looked through sites and saw everything he couldn't have imagined in a lifetime.

He didn't know what to get, so he had to flip the switch for a quick second. "What would I want to see my girl wear?" He asked himself.

He found it, the perfect fit. Luckily, The breast area was flat and could stretch if needed.

"Perfect!" He bought it, and the site registered that it would come in about five days.

Now, the other details had to be thought about, too. Cake? Presents? Decorations? People?

Eh, maybe scratch the "people." Keith made a mental note to ask Pico if he was comfortable with other people.

The cafe they usually go to sells small to medium-sized cakes, another great convenience.

Keith picked up his phone and dialed their number, "Hello? I'd like to order a medium-sized red velvet. Yes, a week from now. Thanks, bye."

Two more things to check off: decorations and a present.

Keith knew he could just make his way to the store to get some balloons and whatnot, but he wasn't sure what to get him.

He felt his heart drop, "I have to spend some money," He felt a little lightheaded from the thought of spending over $40 for a present, "He deserves it," he reassured himself.

The day of Pico's birthday came. Keith felt his whole body flushed red as he slipped on the maid outfit he had gotten.

He didn't want to look in the mirror, but he couldn't help but see what he looked like for a quick second.

The top half wrapped around his body and made him look a little slimmer, the frills of the arm parts defining his figure.

The lacing on the stomach was beautiful, and the crimped chest piece was put a bit low in order to show the cleavage but revealed his defined collarbones instead.

The bottom half flared out, the black fabric laying on the white frills under it.

Keith looked at his face and remembered that he had put on those weird cat ears. The black fur stuck out just as if he were a kitten.

"Ah," He felt himself physically cringe, "Beep boop bop!" He exclaimed. He couldn't take it off now, though, he spent a good dollar on it.

The decorations were set in his place, the cake came in time and was ready to light, and the present was set to be opened.

Keith called Pico, "Can you come to my apartment? I need some help."

About ten minutes passed before Keith heard a ring echo throughout his home.

He glanced in the mirror and had a last-minute thought of Pico revolting from his appearance.

It was too hard to take off, and the cat ears were tangled. "D-damn it," He cursed under his breath, "Just a sec, Pico!"

He threw a blanket over himself and was somehow able to cover himself. He opened the door and let him in.

"What's with the get-up?" He asked, he seemed to not even notice the decorations.

"Ah, um, it's a little chilly." Keith's eyes veered off to the left.

"It's 80 degrees outside, Keith," He furrowed his brows in suspicion.

"Oh, then it's probably the air-con making it so cold!" He laughed out. Pico was not convinced, not even for a second. "Anyways, Happy Birthday!"

Keith's consciousness of his actions seems to always fade away in front of Pico.

He saw Pico's eyes widen, but he couldn't understand why. "What are you wearing?"

Keith felt his whole being set on fire, "I-I-I-It's nothing? Ah, that wasn't s-supposed to be a question! Well, you see, uh," He became a stuttering mess.

Pico took a step forward, and another step forward. Keith felt himself stepping back from him until he somehow was backed up to the wall.

Pico suddenly wrapped his hand around Keith's waist and pulled him close, placing his knee right in between Keith's legs through the dress.

"I thought you planned to not make a big deal out of my birthday," He said in a low, tempting voice.

"I obviously lied!" Keith raised his voice embarrassingly, "It's important to me."

"Maybe my birthday is something to look forward to after all," Pico had a sinister grin on his face, "If it means seeing you like this."

"W-wait, I got you a cake and a present, have you even looked at the decorations?!"

Pico couldn't take his eyes off of what he wanted the most. "I like them, but right now I want to see you."

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