Getting Fruity on a Friday Night: Act 6

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Morning had come around when Boyfriend had jolted awake. His lower body felt cold and uncomfortable, though he couldn't figure out why.

He looked to see and sighed in frustration. He had fallen asleep while jerking off and forgot to put his pants back on. What made matters worse was that there was dried c🥶m in his ass crack.

He checked the time and was surprised. It was as early as 6AM. He had contemplated going back to bed but decided to clean himself up first before sleeping in.

After throughly cleansing his ass and meat of his juices, he hopped right back into bed.

He tried to fall asleep but his phone was calling to him. He fidgeted a little so that he'd get back to being knocked out, but it didn't help.

He grabbed his phone and opened it to find that his girlfriend had texted him multiple times last night.

GF❤️: Hey babe can we talk tmrw?
GF❤️: I feel like we just need to talk ab... us?
GF❤️: Can we meet at the park by that train station u beatboxed at?
GF❤️: I'll b waiting... 7am alright?
GF❤️: Hello??? babe u there??
GF❤️: Is 7am good or not?
GF❤️: Can u pls answer me
GF❤️: u know what ur always like this
GF❤️: pay attention to me for once damn it
GF❤️: fuck u Boyfriend i'll wait and if u aren't there we're done

He was shocked. What had he done to her that made her this aggravated? He back tracked and suddenly remembered the steamy session he had with Pico in the elevator.

Maybe, just maybe, Girlfriend had somehow found out about what happened last night.

Boyfriend checked the time. "Boop... B-beep skidoo!" It was already 6:47. In a panic, he hurriedly threw on his typical shirt and jeans and rushed out.

It took about 8 minutes if he ran to the park, and so he did just that.

By time he arrived it was only two minutes away from being seven. He was sweating and worried that he might've smelled because of it. He "discreetly" sniffed his pits and reassured himself. 

As he walked towards the trees surrounding the tranquil little area, he saw Girlfriend.

Her hair was slightly flowing back behind her head because of the gentle breeze passing through.

As he walked a little further, it became clear that her red dress was fit perfect to show her curvaceous figure as she sat waiting.

"Skidoo!" Boyfriend called. Girlfriend looked, but not in the way Boyfriend had hoped she would. Her gaze was blank with no emotion and her face showed no sign of anger or excitement.

He had finally approached her, but felt awkward and didn't sit as close to her as he was planning to.

She didn't even look at him as he sat down. "Great. Good, good good sick great," She began to say. Boyfriend didn't know how to respond.

Of course he still liked her, but to what extent? The sight of her used to his heart racing, but he felt nothing now. Even so, he knew that there was something that attached him to her.

"Great good great, sick?" She chuckled a bit. He had realized then and there that she was right. His feelings had been fading without him noticing.

"Good good great sick great good sick great, sick sick good great." Her words kept piercing at his guilt.

Why had he hugged her so sweetly that day before battling Pico? Was what he felt love or the fact that he had someone to help him?

They both knew what it had come to. Although Girlfriend loved him, she knew that Boyfriend would never be able to give back as much, even if he did like her.

She didn't cry, nor did she slap or stomp off. She smiled as she asked for one last thing. "Great good sick?"

Boyfriend felt his heart wash over with sadness. One last kiss, huh?

The sound of it made him want to stop her and mend their relationship, but he knew that going on any longer would just pain the both of them.

He nodded, and they shared a deep but soft kiss that was similar to waving goodbye.

There were no sparks or butterflies swirling in the air. There was only the lingering feeling of regret and pain surrounding their hearts.

Girlfriend stood up and walked to the train and didn't look back as she got on. She disappeared into the crowd of people as the train doors closed. It sped off, and her figure was nothing but a blurred memory. 

Boyfriend couldn't move for a second. He was alone now, truly alone.

Even though Girlfriend loved him with all her heart, he felt like he was the one that was going to cry. He looked up at the morning tainted sky and wondered over and over if the decision was right.

He was about to stand and leave but paused as he saw an orange-haired fellow walk to his direction.

Boyfriend thought that he'd be pissed at the site of Pico's face, but the thumping he had once felt in his heart with Girlfriend was now in play with this guy.

He sat back down, and Pico sat next to him. He didn't need to say, Boyfriend knew that Pico had seen the scene play out.

"Eh eh ah oh ah?"

Go... to his place?

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