Getting Fruity on a Friday Night: Finale Pt. 1

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Even thought Keith and Pico weren't official, they definitely looked official.

Ever since that night, they've been around each other much more than Keith thought they would be.

There was no point in Keith rapping to fight for his love anymore. There was no need to since him and Girlfriend are just(possibly) good friends now.

He challenged people just to make the month's rent for his small apartment

Life was still as shitty as ever, but whenever him and Pico made plans it was like his problems turned away for a moment.

It's been two months since they've done... many things together.

They went out to eat at cafés and restaurants most of the time. They even went to an amusement park since there was a valentines special going on.

That was the best day Keith had ever had in a while. Of course, they indulged on all the greasy beauties and candies that could give one diabetes after a few bites.

When they were done riding all the intense and scary rides, they settled down in the ferris wheel.

What was weird was all the hearts surrounding them and the dim light that made the cart glow a warm pink color.

They were sitting on opposite ends since Keith was scared of the cart tipping and breaking.

Even though you weren't supposed to stand, Pico slightly stood up and sat next to Keith.

They've been hanging out for a while now but he still couldn't settle down when Pico did things like this.

He thought Pico was going to come in for a kiss, but was surprised when he felt his pants unbuckling.

"Beep... bop, uh... Pico, what are you doing?!" He was speechless. He felt turned on as usual, but it felt wrong.

Pico smiled, "Just a quickie, no worries," He spat on his hand and ferociously rubbed Keith, playing with his sensitive tip and massaging his balls at the same time.

He bit his lip to hold back, gripping at the seat in response to the immense pleasure he was feeling.

Before he knew it, he'd already squirt his load into Pico's hand.

Once they got off the ride Pico took Keith's hand and led him to an enclosed forest area just a few blocks from the park.

"Why are we here?" Keith whispered. Even though he had started to talk again, he wasn't used to other people hearing it.

Pico then turned him around and smacked his ass, roughly squeezing him so that he could feel his touch through his jeans. "Let's finish what we started," he grinned.

It was Keith's first time doing it somewhere so open. And just like that, they said goodbye for the night.

It was his best memory because it was the one where they were almost like a couple. It felt more like that warm feeling you get when all goes well with your crush.

Keith didn't know how to bring up whatever he was feeling. Just then, he came up with a risky idea. This was going to determine his relationship with Pico, once and for all.

He called Pico at around eight o'clock that night, and he planned to until he answered. As usual, he picked up on the first ring.

"What's up, Keith?" Pico answered, his voice slightly hoarse. He must've taken a nap and woke up.

"I know it's a little late but, uh, can we meet up?" He's never done this before, so his hopes of executing his plan were sinking as the seconds passed.

"Sure, where?"

"O-oh! Heh, thought'd you were gonna say something else. Let's meet up at the train station."

He threw on his white tee and blue jeans, checking in the mirror for any flaws in his face. He adjusted his hat just right.

Just as he approached his front door, he sharply inhaled, "Let's do this, Keith! For love!"

10 minutes passed before he saw Pico. He was late, but it was nice to see him sprinting in order to make it to him.

"K-Keith! Sorry, I took longer than I should've..."
Pico trailed off. He waited for him to finish, but he didn't.

All he did was stare at Keith, almost as if he was savoring the moment in time. "Beep bop," he cleared his throat, "I just need to get straight to the point."

Pico took a seat next to him, waiting in mild anticipation for what was to come.

"O-okay," Keith whispered to himself. Forcing out the words, he raised his voice, "I think we should stop whatever is going on between us!"

Pico had not fully processed what had been said to him. "Wait, what?" He stood up and walked right up to Keith, bringing his face down to look him directly.

"You heard me, didn't you?" Keith had no intention of backing down, even if it meant the end. "All we are at this point are fuck buddies, and that just ain't my style."

He wasn't too sure why, but there was a slight hiccup in his voice. No, he wasn't about to cry over such a simple manner.

Now, it all depended on what Pico had to say.

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