Getting Fruity on a Friday Night: Finale Pt. 2

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"Do you know what day it is today?" Pico suddenly asked. Keith wasn't sure how this was supposed to answer him. Pico smiled a little, "It's Friday."

He became even more baffled, "O-okay, and?" He stuttered a bit.

"We met on a Friday night." He stopped looking at Keith and looked out into the empty park and the silence it held, "Now you want to end it right where we started?"

There was anger in his voice. No, that was a bit too much to describe how it sounded.

It was more like despair, the sound of someone who was let down.

Pico slammed both of his hands on the back of the bench, performing a kabe-don flawlessly without even trying. All Keith could think was that this was a first for him.

"You're not about to walk away from me," He muttered in a low voice, "Can't you tell? I fucking love you!" He raised his voice.

Keith was scared that he'd wake up everyone in the surrounding area, "Oi, calm down, will you?"

He seemed to have made Pico angry now. "Calm down? Are you telling me to calm down? THE LOVE OF MY LIFE IS ABOUT TO FUCKING LEAVE M—"

Pico felt soft lips clamp onto his own, it's warmth spreading across his face. Keith had done this to shut him up, but also to reassure him, of course.

Keith broke the kiss momentarily and wrapped his arms around Pico's neck, looking up at him from his seat. "You know I'm not going anywhere."

He hopped up, slightly pushing Pico back in surprise. It was Pico's turn to pull away, "Then why'd you say all that shit to me?" Now he was the one shrouded in confusion.

"I don't just wanna fuck with you, I want to be able to love you, too. I thought you were only using me as an outlet," Keith scoffed.

Pico sighed, "Sex outlets are for losers, man." Without a second to waste Pico dove right back onto Keith's mouth. "Your place," He huffed, "Now."

Keith nodded in desperate agreement and ran together, hand in hand, straight into his home.

Before Pico threw him onto the bed, Keith stopped him, "I'm kinda sweaty right now from running," he awkwardly laughed, "Can I take a shower?"

Pico nodded and let him go. Even though he agreed, something seems a little off.

Keith stepped into his bathroom and stripped himself, turning the handle of the shower to where the heat was just right.

He took off his hat and checked the door to make sure it was locked and hopped in.

Just as he was about to use his shampoo, he heard a faint noise from outside. He paused for a second, and heard the click of the lock on his bathroom door.

"P-pico?!" He questioned, but his mind wandered as he saw a blurred figure appear through the steam. What if it's a murderer?

The shower curtains slide open to reveal a naked Pico, his toned figure having a slight advantage of height looking down at Keith. "Make some room."

Keith regretted taking a shower in the same place as Pico. Of course, this was a lie he told himself in order to keep his composure.

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