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Song: Harry Potter Ambiance by Ambient Worlds

"If you listen close enough you can hear me slowly losing the will to live," Reign sighed. His short black hair danced in the strong wind, making the lines beside his pursed lines deepen. He was sour and it was comical. The reason why was close by, handsome, and watching Reign's every move down to the wiggle of his displeased nose.

"And yet, you're still choosing to be here." Flora leaned against my shoulder, peeking around me to stare at Reign. Her body was weaker than mine, having had a much more difficult time to push out the silver than I did. I supported her weight discreetly by shuffling as close to her as I could.

She'd already snapped at Pride for trying to baby her like a pup. The last thing I wanted was for her to feel weaker than she already was so I helped her quietly.

"Like there's anywhere else I can go." Reign side eyed Beta Ryan with a wide frown. "He's like a kicked puppy that can't go two seconds without trailing after me."

Beta Ryan whined lowly and tried to come closer. The taller blond man watched his Mate with very interested pale brown eyes. He was trying so hard to grab the attention of his frigid Mate and he was failing horribly.

Poor Beta Ryan. He had quite the challenging road laying ahead of him.

Where Reign was thin and toned, his Mate was thick and broad. Muscles bulged and strained against his thin shirt and brown cargo shorts. The aura Beta Ryan possessed screamed dominance with the confident way he stood.

But, he still stepped back the second Reign shot him a stern glare.

His low whines whispered unintelligible words to my cousin as he watched our group. The corner of Alpha Draco's lips quirked upwards, clearly amused by his Beta's inner turmoil. When I caught his eye the light skinned man merely shrugged, chuckling at his friend. He tugged the end of his silver braid with disinterest the longer Beta Ryan continued to talk his ear off.

Somehow he managed to be both amused and annoyed by their interactions.

Beta Ryan took another step forward but halted the second Reign raised the stained book. Underneath the early morning rays of dawn I saw the fresh cut running over his forehead. I bit my lip to contain my laughter.

Flora, as usual, did not.

"Take another step and I won't be held responsible for what follows." Reign shook the 3,000 paged book for emphasis and Beta Ryan stepped back once more. A defeated expression overcame his face. Narrowing his eyes, he turned to whisper something to Alpha Draco. The man in question shrugged and then the Beta was walking away. Determination lit every firm step he took.

I couldn't help but silently cheer on the unknown man in his quest for Reign's heart. Sure, Reign was an asshole. But he was an asshole that deserved a better life than the hand he got dealt. I wanted to see him alive and happy by the time all this was over. In my heart I believed that Beta Ryan was a stepping stone towards that better life.

If anyone could soften his heart then it would definitely be his other half. After all, Mates had the tendency to bring out the best in us no matter what.

"Don't be so mean," Flora chuckled. "He's your Mate. He just wants to be close to you."

"I consider ten feet with an unknown wolf to be close enough. Thank you very much," Reign muttered. He turned back around and watched the ridiculous scene unfolding before us. Despite the uninterested gaze he maintained I still noticed the way he sneakily kept an eye on Sky. She was quiet beside Flora, observing Pride and Leo with the most judgmental stare I'd ever seen.

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