Orb and Sin

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Song: dark academia playlist by høpe for søul

"You're an asshole!"

"I've been called worse!" The door slammed, shaking the entire house with its force. I rolled my eyes at the couple's childish antics and prayed to the Moon Goddess for strength. Of all houses, why did we have to stay with the Gammas and their insufferable son, Pride? Surely I could've slept on Mera's floor with the Betas...

Damn those Witches for burning my house down and leaving me to endure this.

"Oh yeah?" The infuriated she-wolf taunted through the closed door. The curious pup within was scratching away at my insides and I peeked out the window from the second floor. From what I could barely make out, she was still standing in front of the front door Pride slammed in her face. "And what's that?"

"Your boyfriend!" Pride snapped. I gasped, covering my mouth at the harsh remark. The dark she-wolf trembled at his words and she screamed, kicking the door for good measure. I heard a snap quickly followed by Pride's cursing. When she pulled back, sharp splinters clung to her worn black boots.

She'd put a hole in the door no doubt.

The brokenhearted Omega ran into the woods and I clenched my teeth, watching her go. Both her and Pride were foolish. But her more so than him.

Everyone in our Pack knew that Pride slept with anyone that looked at him for longer than two seconds. He was a young and unmated wolf who didn't believe in waiting for his other half. Everyone knew that. So why was it that naïve girls still thought that he'd change his ways for them because of a quick romp in the sheets?

Sighing, I finished weaving the last of my fishtail braid and tied it off with a black hair tie. My silver hair was brittle and dry this morning. No matter how much oil I'd added to the dull mane, not a drop of moisture was absorbed.

I knew why.

I needed my power back and I needed it for a longer period of time.

After talking to Syrena, myself and most of my Pack had spent the remaining day rebuilding from the ashes. Around two in the afternoon the antidote for the remaining silver in my veins completed its work, freeing me from its poisonous chains.

Naturally my mind took this as the ok to start doling out my gift again.

Silver power for the heartbroken. More energy for those working themselves too hard. A shot of adrenaline to the Healers working tirelessly to save and disinfect. My Pack was unnaturally upbeat and energized in the aftermath of ruin all because of Mother and I.

Mother, unlike me, had years of experience and time on her side. She could share and transfer her power to our entire Pack without it exhausting her the way it did me. Because she gave people just enough for them to cope while still bearing the burden of their pain.

A little bit of pain is a good thing, Venus. Take away too much and you make them numb to reality.

This one was always the hardest lesson for me to learn. The most difficult teaching for me to accept. I wanted to take away all their pain. I wanted to ease every drop of anguish in their aching bones and make them as good as new. I couldn't stand the thought of withholding a drop of my power only to leave someone still hurting.

I didn't want my Pack to experience any pain.

Throwing my braid over my shoulder, I vowed not to use my power on other's. Today, I'd give it a day off. Going dormant for a day or two would help my physical state.

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