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Song: light royalty core playlist by Anne Lee

I was sinking no matter how hard I kicked.

My legs ached from the aggressive pumping but I couldn't stop. Drowning was not an option.

So I kicked. My arms dragged through the thick blue water as my lungs continued to beg for air. It was as if I was treading mud instead of liquid and I could feel the panic seeping in. My lungs were burning, throat clawing, and chest heaving.

I gave one last kick before the surrounding blue became black and pushed past my lips.

Mud flooded my mouth and I choked on the constant slew of sticky dirt. Gagging on the intrusion, I succumbed to the muddy grave as the-

The first star calls to you, the Moon Goddess whispered. He will try to drown you but you must never stop swimming.


They were dying no matter how hard I was trying.

My heart ached from the weight of their deaths that I was fighting to bear. Giving up was not an option.

So I fought. My silver power wrapped around the dying wolves littering the ground. I willed my gift into their withering bodies. I forced life to take up a home where death lived rent free.

I gave one last push of power before losing every wolf in sight.

The weight of my entire Pack pushed down on me and I screamed in agony. Whimpering at the unbearable burden of their death-

The second star calls to you, the Moon Goddess whispered. She will try to steal your generosity but you must never stop being kind.

The Orb.

There was no light.

My eyes peered into the abyss hoping for only a scrap of light. Succumbing to the black was not an option.

So I ran. I ran with my arms held out and waved them around like a maniac. I shouted into the void but it was as if no one was home.

I gave one last look into the empty before the ground gave way and I sunk into the black.

Nothingness peered into my soul and burrowed so deep I feared it was taking over all that I was. Trembling at the complete loss of sight-

The third star calls to you, the Moon Goddess whispered. He will try to hold you in the dark but you must never stop looking towards the light.

Loathes Light.

Blood covered me from head to toe.

The crimson liquid seeped into my skin until no trace of melanin remained. Yielding to the slaughter of the innocent was not an option.

So I jumped. I slipped into the murky waters I almost drowned in and wriggled under the cold current. Fear gripped my insides when the crimson red showed no signs of leaving.

I gave one last half hearted swipe before my skin burned like fire.

The drained lives of the pure poured down on me from the black sky. I crumpled under the weight of the blood on my-

The fourth star calls to you, the Moon Goddess whispered. She will try to make your clean hands dirty but you must never stop being virtuous.

Red Hands.

No one acknowledged me.

I ran around screaming. Trying desperately to get someone to hear my begging pleas. Being ignored was not an option.

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