Breaking the Warriors

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Song: Lily's Theme loop by Patrick Bennett

The last time I dreamed I was upon the cliff in Delaware everything was dark and dreary. The wind was cold and the roaring water was a pit less blue. Even the tall trees and surrounding foliage stood with an abyss-like stature. Everything was so sad and cold where the Moon Goddess married her Mate all those eons ago.

But now, the atmosphere was brighter.

The color of the sea was like the color of the clear sky. There was no moon shining its loving gaze on me. Instead, the bright sun finally emerged from the inky chasm, bathing me in warm light and sunshine. The only jet-black hues touching this charming landscape were of the rocks below. Gentle waves kissed the sand smooth time and time again while I watched from above.

Unlike before I wasn't dressed in a long dress, silky to the touch. This time I wore one of Leo's baggy sweaters. The heavy maroon fabric hugged my skin and I buried my face in the sleeves. A choked sob fell from my lips as his scent of Old Spice and lavender invaded my senses. I ached to cry but it hurt so much that I couldn't cry.

All I had now were the memories of him falling through Pride's portal to only the Gods knew where. Even then, the tears didn't come. No matter how much my heart cried a song of despair, my eyes couldn't reciprocate any heartbreak in return.

I was lost.

It was the enchanting aura of a godly presence that pulled me out of my pity party. Goosebumps trailed up my exposed thighs. I turned around, not caring at all that my mask of Luna perfection was shattered in the wake of Leo's absence.

"Hello," the unknown man greeted me. "It's nice to finally meet you, Venus."

The black eyed man softened his gaze, smiling at me with his goofy gap toothed grin. I felt a tug in my gut as I analyzed his laidback style of dark sweats and a white shirt. Like me he was barefoot, digging his large toes into the blades of grass coming up to our ankles.

"Who are you?"

He smiled, tugging his shirt up so I could see the crescent moon branded into his caramel skin. A soft breeze carried his scent of cedar and oak to where I stood. He smelled just like his Mate and it made my heart tremble even harder.


"That's me," his warm voice chuckled. It was rough, nothing like Luna's silky tone. Where she was fair, he was colored. Where her eyes were bright, his were a black chasm. Where her hair was silver and long, his was obsidian and short with curls. He opposed her in almost every way but one.

Alpha felt as warm and safe as his Mate did.

"I'm very happy I finally got to meet you. You have no idea how proud I am of you and your friends." Alpha's warm presence washed over me, reminding me of Father. I felt my throat tighten as the loss of everything finally pushed down on my trembling shoulders. The image of my ancestor blurred as unshed tears swam over my eyes. "Venus, come here."

I didn't waste any time as I ran forward and flung myself into his arms. Alpha held me tightly just like Father did when I was a pup and the damn broke free.

I cried for my Pack and everyone we lost the longer this war went on. I cried for Jack and the young pup who's tiny sock I found from what seemed like a lifetime ago. I cried for Fergus and Catherine who died far too soon. I cried for Pride and I cried for Sky. I even cried for the coldness in Reign's dying eyes. I cried for my mother that was farther than my heart could take. I cried for my father whose arms I was pretending to be in right now.

But most of all?

I cried for the loss of Leo who I never even got to tell how much I was falling in love with him. I cried for our lazy mornings and active nights. I cried for our casual intimacy and his words that wormed their way into my growing heart. I cried for the future I desperately wanted to have with our two pups. I cried because I had a sick feeling that when I woke up, Rowena would murder us and I'd never see my only love again.

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