Losing Leo

300 54 80

Song: Villain playlist by Gloriae Templum

My paws thumped against the cold pavement as the three of us raced through the dark streets of Salem. Rain pelted us like liquid bullets, cutting into our sleek fur raised at the hackles. Fury crowded my vision and I pushed us faster until we were blurring streaks in the moonlight.

The second I realized how much danger Leo was in my shift was immediate. The car was long forgotten after I let my inner beast take over. The rising bloodlust compelled me into near insanity at the thought of Leo being taken away from me.

I was going to slaughter every Dark Witch and Warlock in sight before I allowed them to hurt my Mate.

My lungs were burning from the intensity of our race but I pushed the inconsequential pain to the side. I opened my mind link with Pride, sending him a quick warning.


Rowena's alive!

She's leading an attack
on the cottage tonight.

We're on our way now.

Moonlight guided us to where we needed to go. Houses and businesses grew scarce and before I knew it we were thundering into the forest full speed. Twigs and foliage snapped underneath our pounding paws. My lips pulled back into a snarl when I caught the tell-tale scent of rotting herbs that hinted at evil magick.

They're already here.

The sound of crackling filled my ears and I saw the dark plume of smoke rising in the distance. Trauma seized my heart as I relived the first attack on my Pack. The burning houses, the wolves we lost, and the sight of Malec's tear stained cheeks spurred me on.

A shadow of a man bellowed before sprinting towards us with sparks of purple lining his open palms. I howled at my enemy, hurling myself into battle. Placing all of my strength into my back legs, I shot forward and latched onto the dark man's neck. His rancid blood filled my jaws as I ripped out a chunk of flesh. His pained cries died the second I tossed him back like a rag doll and Sky snapped his neck in half.

We barreled through the forest killing everyone that came across our path. I was panting heavily as I clawed a pale woman's stomach open, watching as her intestines spilled out. Flora ripped off her hands that were buzzing alive with decaying magick. The Dark Witch's blue eyes faded into oblivion as we left her withering corpse in our collective dust.

The closer we got to the burning cottage the thicker our enemies became. What started out as a sparse attack quickly became an organized front of us versus them. Skidding to a halt, I flicked my tail at the other she-wolves so that they'd stop with me. We glared at the line of Dark Witches and Warlocks separating us from joining the boys. From beyond the barrier of darkness they held up I saw the unmistakable signs of Pride's magick roaring to life. Strikes of heated lightning sliced through the battering rain, obliterating whoever he targeted.

Flicking my tail in annoyance, I observed the unmoving wall of foes before us. Sky growled, shifting so that her brown fur pressed against my side. It was a silent question of what we should do and I grew even more irritated that we didn't share a mind link.

Shifting my focus back to our enemies, I realized that not only weren't they moving, they weren't attacking. Their line of defense just stood there. Hiding behind the shadows of night and burning smoke.

They were waiting. But for what?

A loud yip from behind their fortified wall caused a jolt of panic to fill my chest. With only a half-assed plan and a prayer for luck, I jumped into action. Keeping my eyes on the wall of Dark Witches and Warlocks opposing us, I raced forward with all I had. Flora and Sky flanked my sides without hesitation, growling as we neared their firm line.

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