Reign's Biggest Secret

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Song: Davy Jones loop by Malmstrom

The last person I expected to see when I opened my eyes was Reign. And yet, here I was watching the unbothered Beta while he flipped through a thick book. The baby blue colored novel was stained red at the top of the pages. I found myself grinning a little despite the faint throbbing coming from my healed back.

I may have had a small theory regarding the bloodiness of those pages.

A cool night breeze brushed over the raised scars. Even though it felt amazing, a rush of embarrassment filled me when I remembered Reign was here. Ignoring the protests of my tired limbs, I pulled the dark blanket higher to cover the hideous marks.

Sinking into the warm mattress, I laid my head to rest on my folded arms. "Is that the book you attacked my cousin's Beta with?"

Reign hummed, licking the tip of his thumb to turn the page. "A collection of the world's best plays to ever be written. He should be proud to be kissed by such phenomenal literature."

I bit my lip to suppress a laugh. The idea of someone as stoic and reserved as Reign beating someone with a book was too bizarre to imagine. It also really didn't fit his personality at all.

"Why'd you do it?"

Reign sighed, letting the book fall to his lap. With bloodshot eyes and orbs darker than the night sky he said, "I don't like people anymore."

"Was there ever a time where you did like people?"

An annoyed expression overcame his face. Creasing the lines of dirt pressed into his ailing skin tone. His still broken glasses rested on the bridge of his nose at an awkward angle. The many holes in his scrappy clothing made me frown. It was odd and slightly worrying that I was the one that endured ten days of torture yet he looked worse.

"I presume when I was a pup and dependent on everyone else for my basic needs," he replied dully. "But now that I can feed myself and wipe my own ass, I realize now how unnecessary it is to talk to other people."

Uh huh. Bet Rowena had a hand to be played in that type of mentality too.

"Also, I've had enough of playing leader for a lifetime. We come here and ask for one simple thing and even that goes wrong." Rolling his eyes, Reign slumped deeper into the armchair with a scowl. "I hate this place but it's better than a cave so whatever."

Who the fuck let Reign be leader? What was this about a cave?

I had so many questions right now.

"Um, where is everyone else?"

"Sky's checking on Flora and Pride's taking off her collar." Reign counted on his dirt smudged fingers as he listed off each person. "Leo's fighting Alpha Draco outside and-"

"What?! Why?!" I shot out of bed, clutching the thin blanket around my naked body and scrambled towards the window. My legs wobbled like a newborn deer and I had to brace myself against the wall just to peer outside.

Sure enough, there were two black wolves tearing into each other. Tufts of fur littered the ground. Moonlight highlighted their bleeding sides and snapping jaws. My breath caught at the sight of Leo's rage infused body. His large wolf form trembled. Not with pain, but with raw fury. The violence he unleashed upon my kin made me gasp. I was too shocked by the pit-less gaze enveloping his rich red irises to try and get him to stop.

This rampaging Werewolf was nothing at all like the man I'd grown to love.

Leo was gentle with his sweet touches and morning kisses. Leo was firm but soft when he had to put someone in their place. Leo was a kind man.

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