The Escape

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Song: Female Vocal Fantasy Mix by Premium Music HQ

It was sweet music to hear the chains fall from our bodies. I slumped against the floor in relief, smiling softly at our few seconds of real freedom.

"There's no lock for the collars," Flora muttered. "Fuck. We're gonna have to wear them out."

Stupid magick.

I closed my eyes as the last wave of tears abandoned my shaking body. A small groan left my lips when Flora pushed me onto my side. I held in my shout of pain as she used a thin blanket to wrap around my upper body. My back ached at the stinging sensation of the rough fabric against my open wounds. Even so, it was better than nothing.

"Alright, let's go." Flora stuffed the silver key into her padded dress and gingerly lifted my body into her shaking arms. I whined lowly at the increased pressure, hating how weak and pathetic I sounded. "It's ok, love. We're gonna get out of here and I'll find some help for you. Don't you worry, Venus. You did so good. So good."

For you too, I thought. You ingested silver, Flora. The poison's in you too...

Damn, I wished she could read my mind. I wished we shared a Pack link. I was so tired that I didn't want to speak again.

Flora stumbled down the hallway with me in her arms. We followed each winding hallway and turned every direction in a dull haze. The possibilities were endless and everything looked the exact same. Grey walls, grey door, one lightbulb in each hallway. After a few minutes I was starting to think we were walking in circles.

A drop of sweat dripped onto my chest. Flora was mumbling pleas under her breath as we rounded another corner. The foggy feeling in my head returned the second I picked up an extra pair of voices.

Voices that were getting closer.


"I know," she mumbled. We fell into a locked door as the voices increased in volume. Tears lined Flora's eyes as she jiggled the doorknob helplessly. "Come on."

"Try the key," I whispered. She didn't hear me. "Flora, the key. Try it, please."

It was a huge shot in the dark but it was all we had left. If this didn't work then I was content with dying right here and now. I'd kill myself before I felt another whip break my skin.

The silver key burned Flora's fingers and she bit back a hiss. Just as the voices were about to round the corner the door unlocked and she ran in. I fell to the floor like a sack of potatoes as she dropped me and closed the door as quietly as she could. I swallowed my scream of agony, watching Flora press her ear to the door.

The voices passed by our room and vanished from my hearing completely.

A wave of relief washed over my body as I shuffled towards Flora and leaned against the door with her. The moment of safety didn't last very long when I caught the faint scent of herbs over my shoulder. When I turned to look, a shocked gasp fell from my lips and I hit Flora in the side to turn around.

Green eyes and red hair everywhere.

Flora growled lowly when Gwendolyn tried to come to me. The older Witch opened her hands and backed up, trying to show how non-threatening she was. A band of Witches and Warlocks, all of whom were most likely her kin, surrounded her. The youngest was a child, a girl, no more than seven years old sitting beside her.


"He got away," I replied. "The night of the attack."

Relief flooded her aged face and she dropped her head, muttering a prayer of thanks. Sweeping my gaze over the quiet men and women watching us, I noticed no signs of Dark Magick. They didn't smell like decaying herbs nor did they make a move to harm Flora and I.

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