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Hyunjin's Pov:

Our eyes met and Ella smiled back at me. My heart melted at the way her lips curled upwards. I could sense that it was a smile of appreciation and nothing more, but even for that, I was grateful.

I decided that it was time to finally talk to them, so I walked around the table and made my way to Minho and Ella.

"You look very pretty." I stood next to them.

"Huh? Oh, thank you." She smiled, "Same goes to you."

"Can I borrow Minho for a bit?" I asked Ella, both of them looking back at me.

"Sure." She nodded after glancing at Minho.

He nodded and followed me after quickly kissing Ella's cheek and squeezing her hand softly. We made our way to one of the empty tables, each grabbing a glass of champagne on the way.

"Your parents sure know how to pick a place." I spoke up.

"It's my first time here too actually, and I have to agree." Minho chuckled looking around.

I took a sip of my drink and put the glass on the table.

"Minho." I called his name for him to face me again.

"Yes?" He stopped analyzing the place and people around us, giving me his full attention.

"I wanted to apologize." I stared, "For the way I acted a few days ago. I hope I didn't cause any drama between you and Ella." I said pursing my lips.

"It's very mature of you to say this, Hyunjin." Minho smiled softly, making me let out the breath that I was holding in, "It's all good, we talked about it with her and it even made us say the things we kept bottled up, or made me at least." Minho chuckled.

"So.. apology accepted?" I smiled with slightly furrowed brows.

"Yes, Hyunjin. We are all good." Minho gave me a reassuring smile before sipping from his glass again.

"I'm happy to hear that. I appreciate you as my friend, you know that." I said rolling my eyes at the cheesiness.

"I do too." Minho chuckled.

We both laughed and drank from our glasses. It was like heavy weights lifted off my shoulders when I talked to him. Now I just had to do the same thing with Ella.

"I love our bromance minute, but I want to have a talk with Ella too." I told Minho.

"Let's go back then." He nodded with a smile.

We finished our drinks and walked back to our group of friends, leaving the glasses on the table. Minho flashed a smile to Ella when she noticed that he's back.

"Hyunjin wants to talk to you." He told her.

"Hyunjin?" She looked back to where I stood.

"Yup." I chuckled awkwardly.

She looked at Minho with a slightly concerned look but he sook it off by smiling softly.

"He's waiting." Minho motioned towards me.

"Okay." Ella said and left his side.

I walked on the second floor where I found the small terrace earlier, Ella following me.

"When did you manage to go through this whole place and find the terrace." She laughed in amusement.

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