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Seungmin's Pov:

"Min, it's almost twelve and I'm really tired. Just let me sleep." Ella whined as I stood at her rooms doorframe.

"The fact that mom and dad left doesn't mean you can just disappear, you know that, right?" I folded my arms on my chest.

Ella came home at ten in the evening and didn't even text me that she'd be late.

"I do, and like I told you already, I was with Minho." She repeated once again.

"But you left school with Hyunjin? And weren't you supposed to go shopping with Minho? Why did you go to his house instead?" I tried to get answers to calm my curiosity.

"Too many questions, Seungmin!" Ella groaned, pulling the blanket that was on her body over her head.

I shook my head, knowing that something was up. She usually never go to bed right after coming home, no matter how tired she is. So, I was not planning to let her sleep without telling me anything. I walked up to her bed and sat next to her, pulling the blanket which was over her head slightly down, exposing her now messy brown hair and puppy eyes.

"You know damn well that I'm not leaving till you tell me." I said and she rolled her eyes, "Come on. What's going on?"

Ella pulled the blanket down to her waist and put her pillow up to lean her back against it. She sat up straight, hugging her brown toy puppy, and looked at me. I crossed my legs and sat facing her, waiting for a response.

"Well, I went to the cafe near school with Hyunjin after classes, and then Minho came there to pick me up because I forgot to check my phone for his calls. He got mad and how 'close' Hyunjin and I were, implying that Hyunjin likes me and now I would leave him since that's what his ex did?" Ella sighed looking at the ceiling.

"So, logn story short, not to fight at the mall I asked him to take me home, but he took me to his place instead, saying that he wouldn't let me go until we figure this out, since he doesn't want to fight. And then during the fight I confessed by accident and he did too and we-" She suddenly stopped talking and pursed her lips, her cheeks turning a shade of pink.

I furrowed my brows thinking about Minho's actions. I was mad at him for raising his voice at my sister and comparing her to Sana. I never really liked Sana because of her clinginess and 'all over the boys' behavior, but never showed it since she's never done anything to me personally. Now that I realized my sister is being compared to her it made my blood boil. I then realized the rest of the things she said and darted my head back up to look at her.

"Wait, you confessed!? What happened next? Why are you red?" I raised a brow and started questioning.

"We just solved the conflict, that's it." She said awkwardly.

"You're lying." I narrowed my eyes.

"Well, I accidentally slipped from my mouth that I love him while fighting, and then he told me he loves me too, and-" She suddenly stopped again, "Yeah..that's it." Ella smiled with her lips pressed together.

"My baby sister is in love.." I smiled with my brows raised, "But bullshit that's it. I know when you lie." I made a serious face again.

"First of all, we are twins so I'm not a baby. Second, I told you already, that's all." She defended herself, but her cheeks were so red at this point, no words could convince me the she's not lying.

Ella looked everywhere but at me, not wanting to make eye contact. There was a moment of silence as I stared at her with eyes narrowed until realization hit me, making my eyes widen and mouth hang open.

Be Mine | Lee MinhoOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora