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Ella's Pov:

We drove through the night streets while listening to some old songs Minho played. After a while, he stopped the car in a dark place.

"Come." He said and got out of the car.

I claimed out of my seat and looked around. The weather had a familiar warm breeze which brushed through my hair and skin. I looked around to see where we are. There were threes and city lights not far away. On the other side I could hear soft sounds of waves coming from the sea.

"You did not just take me to the beach." I looked at him with an amused expression on my face.

"I might have." Minho chuckled and walked closer to my side.

I shook my head looking down with a smile on my face. I was curious as to why he had brought me here, I thought he just wanted to sit at a cafe or tale a walk in a park.

"I want to show you something." He said and grabbed my hand.

My heart started beating rapidly the second his hand made contact with mine. I followed him as he led the way. We walked towards the sea and I could spot some fairy lights from afar. We got closer to those lights as they got bigger and bigger.

We didn't speak a word while walking but it wasn't awkward. His hand in mine, the sound of the waves, the soft breeze, everything seemed perfect. Finally we got to a small cafe-like place and stopped. He left my hand and looked at me.

"This place looks so cute!" I noted looking around.

"It's actually my grandfather's. I used to come here a lot back then, but then stuff happened and yea.. But now here I am with you for the first time in a while!" Minho explained as he looked inside the cafe though its wooden windows.

"Let's head inside then?" With some boost of confidence this time I caught his hand and walked inside.

There were a couple people sitting and drinking coffee. The inside of the cafe looked like a fairytale, a bunch of fairy lights on the old wooden ceiling, the walls were covered with artificial leaves, the sweet smell of coffee was filling my nose, and the soft music made me feel like this was a whole other world.

"Do you like it here?" Minho asked me as we sat on a table near a window with the view towards the sea.

"A lot!" I said smiling wide.

"Do you want to drink anything?" He asked.

"Anything you like." I flashed him another smile as he got up and walked towards the counter.

He came back in no time and sat on his place with two cups of mint tea. I took a sip and looked at him with big eyes.

"This tastes amazing!"

"I only like it here, tastes like trash at other places." He chuckled and looked at me with warmth in his eyes.

"Will trust you on that." I said sarcastically and raised my hands in defense.

He rolled his eyes and chuckled again. I took a few more sips of my drink and suddenly the girl from the cafe earlier came to my mind.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked him, hoping he'd tell me something about earlier.

"I'll leave that for later. I'm sure you have stuff to ask, so go ahead. Anything you wanna know." He smiled warmly and sipped his tea.

I started thinking if I should ask about the girl earlier or not, I didn't want to make Minho uncomfortable. After a few seconds of zoning out, I took a deep breath and decided that I want to know.

"Can you maybe..tell me who was the girl at the cafe?" I asked curiously, analyzing his face expression for any discomfort.

"Knew you'd ask that one." He raised a brow sarcastically, "It was my ex girlfriend, Sana, my only girlfriend actually." He looked out of the window breaking the eye contact.

"Wait. You? Lee Minho? The hot boy of the school? Didn't date any other girls?" I probably sounded stupid but couldn't help and ask.

"Surprisingly, no, I did not." He quietly laughed.

Minho started telling me about his relationship with Sana, all the experiences he had and things he's been through. The weirdest of all for me was that she tried to hit on Hyunjin while dating Minho. How can someone even do that? I also told Minho about my past, and for the rest of our time we talked about our childhood stories or he told me about the boys.

It was already nine, our long conversation came to an end, as well as out cups of tea.

"Can I now know what is it that you wanted to tell me? The reason we came here all of a sudden?" I put my elbow on the table and leaned my cheek on my hand.

"Let's go outside? There are benched near the sea." He smiled and got up from his seat.

"Are you avoiding it, Lee Minho?" I playfully asked, squinting my eyes.

"I thought we had the conversation about respect?" He playfully shot back.

"Oops? Might've erased that from my memory." I childishly smiled at him, proud of my silly answer.

"Should I help you remember, princess?" He leaned on my ear and whispered.

Then he stood up straight and walked out of the cafe. I was lost for a split second and my face turned red. I shook my head and followed right after him, out and towards the sea.

"Ya! Wait!" I shouted.

I heard him laugh as he waved his hand without facing me.

Cheesy chapter ahead:)
Also, I updated 7 times in the past 6 days..woah-

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