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"You could've just waited for me, you know?" I noted panting since I ran to catch up.

"You froze in there, not my fault." Minho winked and shrugged.

I rolled my eyes at him. We sat down on a bench in front of the sea. The cafe's lights were lighting up the dark night from the back, making the waves shine as they reflected the light.

"Can I finally know the real reason we are here?" I asked again, curiosity was really eating me up inside.

Minho turned his gaze from the sea to face me. He bit on his bottom lip slightly while looking straight into my eyes. I gulped as just his existence made me feel butterflies, but when he looked at me like that, I felt like I was going to pass out.

"How do I put this?" He started, "Remember our small conversation at the party?" He chuckled as I blushed out of embarrassment, "Do you remember how you said 'boys should kiss girls that they like'?"

I pursed my lips and looked away for a second, nodding 'yes'.

"Mhm." He hummed and nodded too, turning to face the sea again.

I looked at him from my peripheral vision as I felt more and more embarrassed to even look at him the more I thought of that day and the things I said. He suddenly faced me which caused me to flinch slightly and completely turn my head away from him.

I felt a hand on my chin. Minho slowly turned my head to face him. My eyes were glued on his arm and his hand was now cupping my cheek.

"Hey." He said, "Look at me."

My eyelids fluttered up as I stopped staring at his hand and met his eyes. My heart started beating faster, if that was even possible, as soon as I realized how close his face was to mine. I gulped once again as my cheeks turned the shade of red. I hoped he wouldn't notice due to darkness, but seems like he did as a small smirk appeared on his pink lips.

"Exactly, my eyes are here, not down there." He looked at his hand and then back at me.

I nodded my head slowly. He chuckled looking down, and just as I thought I will be able to stabilize my breathing he looked up again and suddenly kissed me.

My eyes went wide open for a few seconds, but his lips felt so sweet and right on mine, that I gave in and kissed him back. Our lips moved in sync as we enjoyed the sweet moment.

A second of confusion hit me which made me pull away.

"Minho, what does this..mean?" I forced out of myself.

"It means exactly what you said that night." He answered as he tugged a stray hair behind my ear.

"So you-"

"I like you." Minho cut me off.

I blinked a few times, trying to process what he just said. It went silent for a few more seconds as I tried collect all my thoughts. I looked back at him and he was still staring at me, probably waiting for me to say something.

"The same statement from that night applies to girls too." I almost whispered out of shyness.

I pulled the collar of his shirt and kissed him again. This time more passionately. My eyes were shut but I could feel him smiling into the kiss, so did I. His hand that was previously on my cheek went lower, now it was on my nape, pulling me closer. His other hand found its way to my waist and pulled my body closer to his. It felt as if time stopped when our lips met again. He licked my bottom lip, causing me to open my moth a little more as his tongue slipped in. The kiss was intimate and full of emotion. My heart pounded in my chest as my knees got weak. The only thing I could focus on was how good his lips felt against mine.

We pulled away and stared at each other while catching our breathes.

"I wanted to do this for so long." Minho whispered leaning his forehead on mine, smiling like a kid who just got a candy he's been craving.

I chuckled too, but at his cuteness. Something in this place and moment made me feel so euphoric and complete. Maybe it was the vibe of this beach, maybe it was the warm breeze, maybe it was the fact that I finally understood and confessed my feelings.

Minho got up and made me stand up as well by holding my hand.

"I guess it's time to pop the question?" He smiled wide.

He sounded like he was going to purpose, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Isn't it too early, sir?" I asked with a smirk.

"Not that one." He playfully rolled his eyes. "Not yet at least." A wink followed.

I bit my bottom lip slightly and tilted my head, waiting for him to continue talking.

"Kim Ella, will you be mine? Be my princess?" He asked.

"Cheesy," I slightly cringed, "But yes, I will be yours, Lee Minho." I sweetly smiled at him.

"That sounds very formal." He said and we bursted out laughing.

He swiftly picked me up and spun me around, my laugh echoing on the empty beach. He put me down and I hugged him and buried my face in his chest, m feeling shy. He kissed the top of my head and smiled sweetly.

"Let's go home? Seungmin will murder me if I bring you back too late." Minho scratched his nape.

"Yeah." I said smiled.

He held my hand which, again, made me feel a bunch if butterflies in my stomach. We walked to his car and he opened the door for me and then sat in the drivers seat himself. He started the car and we were finally on our way home, but as a couple. I smiled as I watched the buildings pass by, thinking about the events earlier.

It all felt right, he felt right.

I feel like I'm the worst at confession scenes lmaoo


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