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Ella's Pov:

"Have you seen Minho?" I asked a boy in the hallway who I've seen in Minho's grade.

He raised a brow at me first. I've never really talked to anyone in Minho's class before so he was probably confused to why I'm asking about him.

"Probably gym class?" He answered after a few seconds.

"Thanks." I said and headed to the gym.

I pushed the bug door and peaked inside. Some boys were playing basketball. I spotted Chan and Changbin passing the ball between each other. I looked around and noticed Minho who was sitting on the bench, looking slightly exhausted.

"Hey." I sat next to him.

"How dod you find me?" Me smiled with a surprised expression on his face.

"Asked some guy from your grade." I explained.

"Right. I always play with Chan and Changbin's class, everyone know that." Minho looked proud.

"Yeah, everyone. No surprise." I scoffed.

"Don't be jealous of my popularity, baby." He took my hand in his.

"I'm not." I rolled my eyes, a smile appearing on my face, "Anyway, i came to ask for if we could go shopping a but later? Since you are plying with them anyway?"

"We have one more game, so yea, sure. I'll text you when I'm done." Minho answered, "Where will you go though?"

"I'll just be at the cafe not far from school." I told him.

"Okay. See you, baby." He ruffled my hair and I flashed him a smile.

I got up and headed towards the door. I noticed some boys staring at me and whispering things, but I tried to ignore. They were probably wondering why was I here and why was I with Minho. I shrugged it off and headed back to my locker where Hyunjin was waiting for me.

"You're back." Hyunjin smiled.

He was standing there alone since the rest headed home probably

"Sorry. That took a little longer than expected." I pouted feeling guilty for making him stand and wait alone.

"It's fine." Hyunjin ruffled my hair which made me quickly shoot my head up.

Only Seungmin and Minho usually did that to me so it surprised me slightly.

"So, are we going?" He asked.

"Not for too long but yeap!" I smiled and answered him.

His already wide smile grew even wider when he heard my words. He looked so pretty while smiling I remembered about my small crush for a few second even, but I quickly shrugged it off and looked at the exit of the building.

"Let's go?" I said slightly awkwardly because of my own thoughts.

Hyunjin nodded and we both headed out. The walk to the cafe was short since it was literally in the building next to our school. Though it was a short walk, we managed to have small talk on the way since we haven't spent time without the others recently.

"What do you want to drink?" Hyunjin asked as we walked inside.

"Probably caramel macchiato, as always." I said without a second thought.

He nodded his head as we made our was to the cashier.

"One ice americano and a caramel macchiato, please!" He said and took his card out.

"Wait, I can pay myself." I protested.

"Nope." Hyunjin smiped cheekily and held my wrist so I wouldn't try to pay.

I thanked him and stood there with a small smile on my face. We grabbed our drinks and sat on a table next the the big windows. We spent almost an hour talking about school and random things.


"Oh come on, try it at least?" Hyunjin said.

"I don't want to!" I kept laughing and pushing bis hand away.

"You have to try it, come on." He moved to the chair next to me.

"Hyunjin!" I started laughing at his childishness.

"Say 'aaa'." He made a serious face.

"Okay, okay, fine." I opened my mouth.

"There you go."  Gave me a piece of his strawberry cake, a bug smile on his face.

"Woah." My eyes widened as I chewed, "This tastes amazing!" I said, my mouth still full.

"Told you." He ruffled my hair agin and took a piece of the cake too.

I nodded, still chewing, but a big smile on my face.

"Another bite?" He got another piece and pointed it at me since he was sitting next to me now.

"Yes!" I said, wanting to taste the sweet strawberry again.

The second I took the bite from the fork Hyunjin was holding, someone came up from behind and tapped my shoulder. I jumped slightly on my seat, but came down when I realized who it was.

"Oh my- Oh, hey!" I said breathing out, my hand on my chest.

"Hi!" Minho said with a weird put-on smile, "Sup, Hyunjin. Sweet seeing you here." He raised a brow, still smiling.

"Yea." Hyunjin scoffed quietly, "So, you had plans with him?" Hyunjin asked, kind of ignoring Minho's presence.

"Yeah." I answered to Hyunjin, "Min, I'm sorry, I totally forgot that my phone was in silent." I bit my lip.

Hyunjin looked slightly annoyed by Minho's sudden interruption. And he was annoyed that the second he came my entire attention shifted from him to Minho. Hyunjin just kept quiet through our small conversation with Minho.

"It's okay." Minho smiled.

"I'll use the restroom and be back in a minute. Let's go after, okay?" I got up and gave him a warm smile.

"Sure, babe." He said quietly.

I quickly grabbed my bag which was next to the chair Hyunjin was sitting on and flashed him a quick smile too. I turned around, Minho's hand brushing over mine as I walked past him, and headed to the restroom. Leaving the two boys alone.

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