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I get off the floor and look to see if the coast is clear. I walk out


I walk up the stairs with Meredith telling her what happened. out of no where Derek pushes us into a closet. "theres a shooter in the building" Meredith says. "were in lockdown what are you doing" he says. we tried to speak. "stay here. ill come back when the coast is clear. stay put" he says shutting the door and leaving. I mess around with things in the closet to try to get my mind off of it. Meredith takes off her jacket and grunts. "you ok?" I ask concerned. she's bent over. "I hurl the same time everyday" she says. "if you throw up ill throw up" I say. I look out the closet window. "Meredith. I think thats him" I say panicking "oh my god" she says and grabs the trash can and throws up.

we exit the closet and see the shooter holding a gun towards Derek. they were talking I grab Meredith and hold her back "Meredith stay here" I whisper. we watch as Derek talks about his father being killed. "I didn't become a doctor to be a "god" we make mistakes" he says. they talk some more and the man brings the gun down to his side. me and Meredith begin to inch closer.

April bust in "dr. shepard thank god your back" she said. Derek looked back at April. then at the shooter. he shot him and Derek fell to the ground. Meredith tried to run towards him as I hold her back.

I drag her back into the closet. "y/n he could still be alive" "Meredith you could get killed im not gonna let that happen" I say holding her shoulders "please" she begs. "you want to go, you gotta go through me" I say. she pushed me out of the way and opened the door. "mere" I whispered

I run after her. I see her on the floor holding Dereks open chest wound. it was a bloody mess "hold on ok? hold on. I love you" Meredith says. those words spun around in my bed

she loves him...

I shook it off "please dont die" she's crying "get out of here Meredith before he shoots you to" Derek says in pain. "do not die. I cant live without you" she said. I run up to her "I called the police but there not coming for us, not in time" I begin to panic "dont you die on me" she still continues to scream at him. "oh god mere, what are we gonna do?" I panic "Derek needs surgery" I say. she still screams, I walk past them and go try find something to transport him in. I grab a wheelchair. I begin to walk out. I see April sitting on the floor. "April come on were taking Derek to the O.R. we got to save him come on"I say trying to get her up, she dont move "kepner, get up!" I say frustrated. she gets up and we walk out to Meredith


we get Derek to a O.R. "Meredith you prep him. im gonna go look for some more help" I say and me and April walk out. we walk down the quiet hall. "it's really quiet" I whisper. our arms looped together. "he's down here. he's gonna come out and shoot us. he's gonna kill us" April panicked. I stopped and look at her "listen to me. shut up April. he's not going to shoot us. Im trying to stay calm and your not helping. I'm in charge now hush" I demand. she doesn't say another word. the door opens and me and April crouch down in fear. I look and see Jackson I sigh in relief "your not supposed to be walking around" Jackson says. "damn in Jackson" I say. he walks out of the O.R. he was in "is that your blood? are you ok?" he questions. "no, no, no im fine. its Dereks blood. and probably Alex's but thats besides the point I need your help" I say "what happened" "Derek just got shot. he has a G.S.W. to the chest and he needs surgery right now" I say. "April in the O.R. behind me there is 2 O.R. nurses and a anesthesiologist. get them" Jackson says. "but what if?" April says "no what ifs get them" Jackson says. "but who's gonna operate on Derek?" she ask. Jackson looks at me. I take a deep breathe. "I am" I say


Im scrubbing in as Meredith walks in "y/n dont let him die on me. I love him" she says. "im not mere its gonna be ok" I say. she begins to scrub. "your not gonna be in there" I say looking at her. April walks in behind Meredith "y/n were ready" she says. "Meredith is gonna sit on the floor I want you to stay with her. dont let her peak. dont let her move." I say. "he is my husband" Meredith says "ive got him Meredith. sit down and wait" I demand. I grab my mask as Meredith sits down.

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