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I untie the bow....

open the lid and look inside.

I begin to cry.....

I threw the box against the wall "JO WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" I yelled. 

the ring hit the wall and flew to who know wheres. 

I slap jo across the face hard. she pulled my hair. that was it. I get on top of her and begin punching her. she threw me off and kicked me in the stomach "hope there wasnt a baby in there" she laughed "fuck you" I yelled and ran at her. we went threw the kitchen door into the living room. I pushed her into the wall. I see them come out of the kitchen. I had her against the wall "im done jo leave me the fuck alone! I moved to Seattle to get away from people like you! away from my ex! and you dumb bitch had to torment me! do I not deserve to be happy jo!" I yelled in her face. she pushed me down on the floor. I hit my head on the stair case. I get up and she punched me in the lips. I pulled her hair and she pulled me "let me have Alex and ill stop." I look at her. I punched her and she hit the ground. she got up and punched me back. I tasted blood. I stumbled and fell she got on top of me and punched me. "just fucking die y/n! it was better here without you!" she yelled. I started to cry. I felt pressure off my stomach I open my eyes and see that Derek and mark pulled her off. I couldn't breathe. I feel like I was suffocating. I see Jackson run up to me along with Meredith and lexie Jackson pushed my hair back "hey your ok. y/n your ok" he kept repeating he picked me up and put me on the couch. "parties over get out!" Meredith yelled and opened the door. people didnt move they were looking around at what was happening "I SAID GET OUT!" she yelled. they all got there things and left. "you ok y/n"  mark asked and sat beside me Derek came over to me and crouched in front on me "you got some nice bruises" he said. I laughed a little. I could see Alex taking care of jo. Jackson looked at what I was looking at he let go of my Hand and got up. I tried to grab his hand again "Jackson no" I said.  he didnt even look at me. he walked over to Alex and slammed him against a wall. he was holding his shirt "I TOLD YOU NOT TO HURT HER ALEX! YOUR FUCKING STUPID YOU MESS UP EVERYTHING GOOD IN YOUR FUCKING LIFE! YOU CHOSE THIS SLUTTY ASS INTERN OVER THE MOST AMAZING GIRL IN THE WORLD WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" Jackson punched Alex. "you have nothing to say?" he asked. 


"your fucking stupid anyone would be happy to have that girl. and you've fucked it up over some child. you chose Jo's side over y/n. every one us in this room fucking hate you right now because your fucking stupid! you are the one that y/n has opened up to from the beginning and has accepted you and was there and tried to be but you kept acting like you like her at one point and the next you threw her in my room" he said still holding his shirt against the wall. 

"look at that beautiful girl right there that we all love. you know whats she's been through. she trusted you and you let her get hurt" he said pointing to me sitting on the couch. I was in tears. in pain. 

he began punching him in the face and not stopping "Jackson" I said softly through tears, he didn't stop "Jackson" I said a little louder. he didn't stop "JACKSON!" I yelled the loudest I could. he looked at me and let go of Alex "its not worth it" I say. he begins walking over to me "I didnt realize-" Alex said 

"you didnt realize that you've hurt her and your the one that was supposed to protect her from people like you! we're supposed to protect her not hurt her more" he yelled 

"your the one thats in love with her but wont admit it. your in love with her but is torturing her and letting that bitch abuse her!" he screams walking up to his face again 

"if your in love with her the way you say you are then start fucking acting like it asshole" Jackson yelled and slams him into the wall one last time before walking over to me. I was speechless I didnt know what to say. tears in my eyes. 

Alex Karevs in love with me...


I got to into that I started to cry. if Jackson Avery did that for me I would probably fall in love with him. anywaysssss. I really like this chapter! tell me what you think! 

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