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*2 weeks later*

"And what did you tell him?" I ask taking a bite of my cereal "that you were out of town" Meredith says from the other end of the phone "and?" "And that was a week ago and I haven't seen him since" she said "what do you think Alex had to tell me" "I don't know, oh uh how is your mom" she ask "she's still hanging on. Some days are worse then others. We all go visit her and we take turns sitting with her" I said taking another bite "how are you and the twins" she ask "still the same, I'm exhausted I need you guys so I can get some sleep, everleigh has kept me up every night this week" "didn't she do that before? What helped?" She ask "umm I think Alex helped. He held her and she fell asleep and didn't wake up after that" "oh that sucks because your so far away!" She said "well I'll talk to you in a little bit rykers screaming" "I got to get to work Anyways" she laughs "bye mere" "bye y/n"

I put my cereal bowl in the sink and went to my room to feed Ryker and everleigh. I change both there diapers and then I put them in there carriers. I put in a t-shirt and some jeans.
I walk downstairs with the carriers and put them in the car I get in the car and drive to the hospital
I get there and grab both carriers and get out I walk to my moms room "hey baby" she says in a raspy voice "hi mom" I say laying down the carriers on the floor

I spend the day with my mom then head home. it was 8pm I walked in the house and saw Atticus and Elijah on the couch. "how's mom" Atticus asked "better" I say. they get the twins out of the carriers and sit on the couch with the babies. there was a knock on the door. I turn around and open the door I looked him in the eyes "Blake" I say "y/n I heard you were back in town" he said "yea" I say softly. "listen im busy." I say trying to end the conversation "maybe we could go for lunch I want to meet my babies" he said "maybe" I mumbled before shutting the door in his face and I turned around to see the twins looking at me funny "who was that" Elijah asked "Blake" "why is that asshole here" Leia said walking down the stairs to me "he said he wants to meet "his" kids" I said emphasizing the his. "are you going to let him" Atticus asked "im not sure" I said walking into the kitchen "why would you" I heard Leia scream from the living room. "im not Leia dont worry" I laugh. I fixed 2 bottles and handed them to Elijah and atticus. they fed the twins. I sat on the chair beside the couch and we all talked. 

"where's Jayden" "hes at a friends house" Elijah said burping Ryker. they finished feeding them and then I took Ryker upstairs to change him and put him to bed. I then got everleigh and changed her.  they both went to sleep, I decided to shower I feel the hot water on my back, I wash my hair and body and wrap a towel around me. I walked into my room and everleigh started crying. It was midnight she was screaming "hold on baby" I said as I rushed to put clothes on I put on some shorts and a tank top. I brushed my hair and let it dry on its on. everleigh was still screaming. I picked her up, she had little tears in her eyes. I grabbed her favorite blanket which is one that Alex gave her. I sat on my bed and held her close to me. I covered her up with the blanket and gave her, her pacifier. I rocked her. she would fall asleep but then wake up and scream again. my phone rang I reached for it and read the name "Alex" I mumbled. I ignored it and everleigh woke up this time not crying. she just watched every move I made. she just looked at me with her beautiful blue eyes. she's getting bigger by the day but it feels like it was just yesterday that I had her.

my phone rang again. I read the name and answered "hey Jackson why are you up at 2 in the morning" "y/n..."  the voice said softly. "Alex?" I asked "where are you?" he asked "im out of town. ill be back in seattle soon" I said. everleigh started crying "listen Alex I gotta go" I said and hungup. my phone rang again and it said Alex. then it rang and said Jackson. I ignored both and Layed there trying to soothe everleigh "its ok baby" I said softly. she finally fell asleep. my phone rang again and I answered it without looking at the contact "I swear Alex I just got everleigh to sleep and your gonna wake her up" I said aggravated. "is this y/n l/n" the person said. "yea it is" I was confused "this is dr. white I think you guys should come in. its time" he said on the other end of the phone. my heart dropped. I put everleigh in the carrier really fast and then Ryker. I brought them downstairs. they were sleeping, I walked into Leia's room she was asleep "Leia!" I yelled she jolted up "what" she said with fear in her eyes "its mom"I say leaving her room. I hear her get up and call someone. I walked into Atticus room "Atticus!" I yelled he looked at me and got up immediately. "is it time?" he said I nodded leaving his room to wake up Elijah. he got up and we all got into the car. I strapped the twins in and got into the car. Elijah and Atticus rode with me and Leia drove because she was gonna go pick up Jayden. we rushed to the hospital. i grabbed Rykers carrier and Elijah grabbed everleighs. we ran inside to my mom's room. she looked at us and smiled "hi" she struggled to get out. I placed the Rykers carrier on the floor and everleigh the same. I walk over to my mom and hug her gently "I love you mama" I say and kiss her on the head. a couple of minutes later Leia and Jayden come running in "mom" she says trying to catch her breathe. we all sit with her till the doctor came in "did you guys all get to say goodbye?" he ask. we all nod. I was holding everleigh since she woke up and we were all just talking about memories with our mom. the machine started beeping then stopped "I dont like to hear it beep" the doctor said turning it off "it could take a while just sit with her" we all sit around the hospital bed. Jayden layed his head on my shoulder and tried to act tough "its ok jay. its sad I know" I whisper. tears flowing down my face. holding everleigh in my arm and holding my moms hand as she takes her last breathe us all gathered around. my mom wasnt there all my life but ill always be there with her and she knows that...


I didnt mean for it to be sad.....anyways im feeling better so I thought I should give you guys a chapter!

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