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I get shaken awake. I groan and open my eyes to see April "y/n were gonna be late" I got up quickly and throw some sweatpants and a tshirt on I pull my shoes on. while im doing that April is getting the twins dressed. we put them in the carriers and walked downstairs with them. Alex handed me both packed diaper bags. he doesn't speak to me and he has since last week at my birthday party...I dont think im the one in the wrong and everyone else dont either. Ive tried to talk to him but he shuts me down. I throw them over my shoulder and hopped in the car strapping the babies in. I get in and we go to the hospital.

I walk in. "hey let me help you" Meredith says before kissing Derek and grabbing everleighs carrier and diaper bag. I had Ryker's stuff. we got into the elevator. and pressed. the button. "so have you made your mind up about going" she asked "I dont know it depends what Owen says when I talk to him" I say "and if he says yes?" she ask "then I guess im gonna take a break from seattle and go home for a month or two." I say "are you sure about it y/n, what if there just playing you and somethings gonna happen to you. what if we need you here" Meredith ask "there not and you guys dont need me. it'll be like before I was ever here" I laugh "thats the problem its better when your here y/n" she laughs. the elevator dings and we step out walking into daycare. we drop the twins off and walk out. "should I even ask or should I just stay here" I ask not sure what to do "thats up to you" she says pressing the elevator button again. I pressed the floor that Owens office is on it stopped on the floor "all im saying is that we'll miss you here" Meredith says "I know" I laugh. "good luck" I step out the elevator "oh and try not to fight anyone" she laughs "love you to mere" I say before the elevator door shuts and I make my way to owens office. I knock I here a faint "come in" I open the door "I wasnt sure If you were in here since your always out and busy"
"What you need y/n" I sit in the chair in front of owens desk. "I would like to take a leave of absence" I say "is everything ok?" he said with a worried look "yea I just need to go fix a few things at home and grab a few more things" "so your coming back?" "thats the plan, just a few things happened last week and I just feel the need to get away for a little while. my sister really wants to see me to" "your one of my best surgeons and I dont know if I can let you leave" he says with a serious look. then laughs. "of course y/n anything that you need you always know that you can come to me" he says "so my job will still be here when I come back" "yea it will, we will be expecting you back as soon as your back in seattle!" he says. messing with his pen. "now tell me the really reason why you going" he says I look at him. "my sister called me and says my mom isnt doing good. she has cancer and dont have long, I know she hasn't always been there but she's still my mom. also stuff happened last week between Alex and I and I just need to go home for a little while" I say "when are you leaving" he ask "my flight departs tomorrow night.." I say "please be careful and your job will still be here when you get back. call if you need me" he says. I get up "thank you" I smile at him "I will be back as soon as possible" I say "no rush though" he says. "oh and Owen one more thing" he looks up at me "dont tell anyone. about anything. they dont know about my mom. they just know I need to go. but Alex dont so dont tell him anything please" I ask "of course y/n be safe" he says. 

I exit his office and I see mark waiting for me. I look at him, "do I need a escort" I laugh. "yes ma'am. you do" he says taking his arm in mine. "what do you want" I laugh. "I want you to scrub in on a surgery with me please" he gave me sad eyes "of course mark" "what did Owen say?" "he said my job will be here when I get back" "I think this place will be dysfunctional without you here" "oh you guys are gonna be fine" I say. we get into the elevator and press the button. "Alex said a word to you at all" he ask I give him a are you seriously asking me that  look and we laugh. "ill take that as a no" he says 

the elevator stops on the floor and we exit it and walk into a room with so many other doctors. I see a man sitting in the hospital bed. I stand beside mark and Jackson. Meredith is on the other side of the room along with lexie and April and Derek and a bunch of other doctor and interns. Owen walks in and they stand beside a computer "now we can get started, Ladies and Gentlemen this is Mr. David Young, today he will be receiving a face transplant" mark says. they flip through the computer screen "dr. hunt and his team will be recovering the donors facial graft, we will be replacing 70% of Mr. young face" he says I look at the man in the bed. you could see his skull almost, he had no nose. "you can see the deficit here" mark says as we look at the computer screen "or here" Mr. young says modeling his face. we all laugh a little "the donor recovery will include his nose, left eye, lips, left zygoma" Owen says "why will allotransplantation work better than tradition techniques" Owen ask I raise my hand along with every one else. "yes dr. l/n" "better aesthetic outcome which allows reinnervation of the facial nerves, giving a better functional result." I say "very good Dr. l/n" Owen says. Jackson smiles at me "then we'll position the flap over Mr. young face. how do we know were in the clear" Jackson ask "when the graft turns pink" I say. I look over at Alex who was smiling at me but looked away 

"excellent" Jackson says "any questions for us Dave" Owen ask "yes has anyone seen the donor?" Dave ask. "yes he matched with your age, skin tone, blood type." mark says "what does he look like" Dave ask "I think you'll be satisfied" Jackson says "what am I saying its a face right, its above anything than a point and stare freak. im gonna call it a success" dave says

"Karev your with me on the donor hes fading fast we gotta move" Owen says walking out with Alex. everyones walking out. I follow. "l/n, little grey. your with me" mark says handing me the chart I finish filling out the chart and then lexie and I go in with mark. "you need to take all your medication" mark says "because the risk of infection, I know, I know. you've drilled it into my head many times" Dave said "and is your family here yet? I just ask because someones gonna need to take care of you afterwards" lexie ask "I dont have any family" Dave says "my friends are coming after surgery im excited to show them my new face we met in a orchid lover chat room and ive never actually met them" he says "Dave after surgery this device is gonna help use of your lung by exercising the muscle to breath" I say showing him the device in my hand. I check his lungs, and check him a couple more times lexie gets paged and walks out "you had some friends that you said were coming" I ask "yea" Dave said. "I think there here now" I say 3 people with orchids walk in "surprise" they say. Dave looks away "get them out" he says "there strangers get them out get out" they leave. lexie walks back in "O.R.'s set. transports on its way" lexie says holding a chart "we will be back for you in a little bit Dave" I say and walk out. 

I run into Alex and he drops his charts "im sorry" I say helping him pick up his paper. he takes them and leaves "dick!" I yelled down the hall. 

give the chart to the nurse and walk to find on of my patients. 


in the O.R.

I stood beside lexie. "this is the final disection" Jackson says "ill be connecting the vessels and nerves get the microscope ready" mark says "its ready" I say 

"ill take the right side you take the left lexie" "really" she ask. they lift the face out of the bowl and slowly place it on "watch the left corner of his mouth" mark says "careful around the eyes" I say.  "very good dr. grey" mark says 

we finish surgery 

and we walk out


mark and I walk into Daves room. his face was bandaged up "no dont try to talk Dave it will only hurt" mark says "I see you have your great friends here for you" I smile at them Dave nods "you did great Dave" "can he see his new face" one of the ladies asked "its still early" I say "very swollen and bruised the tissue is trying to heal. it Needs time to settle" mark says "but yea. ill give you a sneak peak" mark smiles. I grab the mirror off the counter I place the mirror in his hand as mark was taking off the bandage. we all stand there as he admires his face "you look great" I smile. he smiles back and me and mark walk out. it was late. I went to the lockers to change back into my sweatpants and t shirt Alex walks in and then walks out. I finish and grab my things. I look at Alex as I walk out. he looks at me I stop in front of him "so what your just gonna act like nothing happened? like we were never friends and you gonna not talk to me? because if thats what you want then fine. ill stop trying to talk to you!" I yell In his face. he didnt speak "fine" I say a tear falling down my face. I walk away to the elevator and press the button I go get Ryker and everleigh from daycare, I take everything to the car when Derek and Meredith were waiting I smile. I strap them in the car and we leave to go home. I walk in with Ryker and everleigh and the diaper bags, I walk past Alex's room and hear giggling. I walk by and go into Jacksons room. he wasnt in there I put the carriers down and take them out and place them in the crib. I change into some shorts and a tank top. I change Rykers diaper and everlighs diaper I was holding both or them to my chest laying in the bed. I ended up falling asleep. 

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