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I wake up getting smacked by a pillow I open my eyes and see lexie. "seriously?" I laugh. "get up" she says

I get up and walk downstairs with her. we go in to the kitchen where everyone else was. I walk by jo. who was still here. "whore" she mumbles I look at her and look away "woah what did you and Jackson do last night?" I hear Alex say, "what is your problem" I ask walking to him where im standing in front of his face. im like inches away from his face. everyones looking at me. "you have Jacksons shirt on and a hickey on your neck" Alex says "if you were paying attention last night instead of your little girlfriend maybe you wouldve noticed that I burnt my neck with a curling iron. and I put his shirt on because it was comfy. you want me to put yours on I will. but your girlfriend over here won't even let you talk to me." I say he looks at me "what are you jealous?" I smirk at him he just looks at me. I walk over to Jackson who was just standing there listening to everything I pull the neck of his shirt to where his face is close to mine I crash my lips into his. he kissed me back. I pulled away. I wink at Alex. then walk upstairs to Alex room. I grab clothes and pull them on my body. I put on a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt. I put my shoes on and go downstairs. i see them getting ready to leave for work "come on y/n Owen needs you at the hospital" mark says as we walk out. I follow them and get in the car with Jackson Meredith and Derek. "your sick" Jackson says "your crazy" Meredith says. I just laugh.

we ride a little bit "when's your birthday?" Meredith ask "the 23rd" "thats next week y/n" Derek says driving

we arrive to the hospital

they all get paged to Owens office. I follow. "everyone sit" he says. we all take seats in the chairs alining the hallways at the door of Owens office

he walks in. a couple minutes later he peeks his head out "y/n" he says I get up looking at everyone. they all looked confused. I follow Owen in and sit beside him. we sit across from people "this is the board" he says I smile at each person. "they want to talk about yesterday" "what about it" I ask "they say that you performed a unauthorized surgery" Owen says "I told them that you didnt because your a resident here" he says look at me "but I-" "your a resident arent you y/n" "yes" I smile and nod. "your surgery was successful?" the lady ask "yes ma'am" "she's one of our best" Owen says "it was nice meeting you y/n" she says. "is that all" I ask "actually no it says here that you started a fight yesterday" "I can assure you I did not. I stayed very calm. I didnt start it, jo tried to" I say getting up "thank you" the lady says as Owen walks me out. "your a resident now y/n I was gonna hire you anyways. get settled in" he whispers in my ear. I smile at him "thank you" I whisper back. I walk out of his office with a sad look on my face "what happened y/n"Jackson looked concerned "y/n?" Meredith ask "what happened" Alex ask. a smile grew on my face "im a fucking resident" I yell. they all jump up and hug me "what how?" mark ask. "my skills" I say laughing "yea right" I hear jo say. I get in her face "you got something to say to me Wilson because im pretty sure im your boss now" I say in her face.i get up and stand against the wall "hey Im really proud of you y/n im excited you get to work here" Alex says. I ignore him. Owen sticks his head out the door again "dr Wilson?" he says she gets up and hits my shoulder as she walks by. I was about to swing around and hit her before mark grabbed me over his shoulder like a kid. I laughed "lets go" he says. he carries me off

he puts me down in the elevator and he presses the button. the elevator dings and we exit it. we walk through the double doors I run in and grab Ryker "hello" I kiss his forehead. "feel better now?" mark ask"yep" I laugh at mark

we spend time there for a bit and then we head back downstairs but we stopped by the lockers and I got some scrubs. I put on my dark blue scrubs and a jacket

"how do I look" I laugh spinning around "great y/n" mark says as he brings me in for a hug. we walk out and I see meredith, Derek, mark, lexie, Jackson, april, and Alex "whats goin on?" I ask

they all smile at me "Alex has a surprise for you" lexie says. I look at Alex he smiles at me as him and I walk to the NICU...

we walk in "can you tell me already" i said he smiled at me...

no matter how mad I am I have a soft spot for Alex Karev

he comes closer to me "you get to take Ryker and everleigh home" Alex smiles at me "oh my god really?!" 

I jump in his arms he hugs me he looks at me he grabs my face and smashes his lips into mine. I kissed back. ive always wanted this....finally...sparks flew. 

he pulled away. I didnt say anything "im sorry y/n" he said awkwardly "dont be" I whisper looking him in his eyes

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