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I check the time as I got off the plane. its 3 am.

I exited the the airport and got in my taxi to head to my hotel. I got a phone call it was my sister I answered "where the hell are you y/n" she screams through the phone "I told you I was leaving im in seattle where im starting my new life" I responded "y/n I didnt think you were serious" "Leia I told you what my plan was and then I left. im starting a new life, you cant stop me. mom dont even want to stop me. so im moving on leia. you should to." I said "goodbye leia ill be fine here im grown. I can take care of myself. dont worry about me you dont have to be my mom anymore. ill call you in a few days" and with that being said I hung up and looked up to see the back of a truck and the world spinner and everything went black.


I heard my pager go off. I immediately hoped out of bed and pulled my scrub shirt on as I opened the door as I walked out the on call room and ran down the hall to the E.R.

I found hunt "you paged?" I ask "there's been a crash. a car versus a truck. its fatal they'll be here any minute" he said as I walked with him to put on the yellow trauma gown. I walked out the door to wait for the ambulance. Meredith, Jackson, and April were standing there waiting I stood beside Meredith she tied my gown and we waited. for what felt like forever. in the distant I heard sirens. the ambulance sped in. I walked behind hunt as he opened the ambulance door. "what do we got" he said as they pulled the gurney out the ambulance I grabbed the side as we rushed in the door "y/n l/n, 23, flew through the windshield. obvious head, chest and stomach injury maybe leg" the paramedic said "trauma room 3" hunt ordered "stay with us y/n" Jackson said looking her in the eyes barely open we all rushed in "one. two. three." Meredith counted as we picked the girl up and placed her on the bed. our hands getting tangled in each others as we began to asses her. "no chest sounds, set up a chest tube. page dr. Altman and dr. Shepard" Owen demanded. "do a ultrasound make sure no internal bleeding" I said. Meredith began the ultarsound "or that she pregnant" Meredith said "page dr. Robbins" I demanded. Derek Shepard ran in with dr. Altman "v-fib" April said "shit" I mumbled "give me a intubation tray" Shepard demanded "starting cpr" Altman yelled. "charging to 200. clear" Jackson said everyone removed there hands so that the could shock her. teddy began compressions again "no stay with us y/n" I said "charging to 300. clear" Jackson said again and shocked her. "she back" April said. dr. Robbins rushed in "whats happening" she said "she's pregnant the baby might not make it ." I said. "we ready to move" Derek said. we rushed to the elevator "not enough room for everyone. get out" hunt demanded. I ran to the stairs and ran to the O.R floor. I scrubbed and entered. April sat by her head "just stay with us and it will all be ok" she whispered "there a brain bleed I need to get in there" Derek said "so whats the plain" I asked dr. Robbins "were gonna try to delay taking the baby out for now. you sit here and watch the fetal heart beat" she said "dr Robbins theres 2 heart beats" I said "just watch and tell me imeditaly If they go down" she demanded as Derek opened up y/n's head

~after surgery~

she was laying in a hospital room still unconscious. I walked into the conference room to yelling

"she has a hole in her heart I need to fix" teddy yelled "she cant handle the stress" bailey demanded "her hypothermia would kill the baby" Robbins yelled. they all yelled over each other "enough" Owen yelled. I stood there with the door opened along with Meredith. "the only way to save y/n could kill the babies. and the only way to save the babies would kill y/n then what are we supposed to do" I asked "we dont know what to do Karev" Derek said. "we have to see if she survives the night then assess. it in the morning." dr Bailey said "Karev stay with her the rest of the night" Bailey said. I walked out the room and walked to y/ns room and sat in the chair beside her "what are we gonna do about you" I mumbled and tried to get the most comfotable I could for the rest of the night....

I wake up to a beeping noise "shit. she's bottoming out" I said. shepard and and Robbins rushed in. along with Meredith and dr. Bailey. "she's tight as a drum" dr. Robbins said feeling her stomach "she's bleeding out" shepard said. "tell the o.r. were coming and page dr. Torres for her leg" Owen said

we rushed to the O.R. all of us scrubbing in "she might not make it guys to much stress" Bailey said "lets just hope she does" I say siting my the fetal monitor as they open her up in every way possible. "definelty got some new bleeding" Owen said "we've got blood. we gotta go back in" Derek said opening up her head

"the babies are having decels" I say "I finished reparing the heart." teddy says "still got active bleeding" Jackson says "brain bleed has been controlled" Derek says "pressures down" April yells "were losing her" Owen says. "starting cardiac massage" teddy says "push one of epi" dr Bailey says. everyone screaming over each other. "you have 1 minute to get the heart under control before I take the babies out" dr Robbins demanded stepping up to the surgical table. me standing right behind "come on y/n" April says Robbins takes out one baby and hands it to me. "his color isn't good" she said as I take the baby to try to get the heartbeat. "hers isn't either." she said handing her to the other girl waiting. "I got a heartbeat" I said sucking blood out of its nose listening to the little boys heart beat on it own. "dr Karev I need a little help I cant get a heartbeat" the girl with the other baby said I walk over "ventilate" she said "come on little girl you got this" I said "Im getting no chest rise with the bagging." she said "we should intubate" I demanded intubating the baby. "tubes in starting ventilation" I said. "babies both have heartbeats" I say "moms heartbeat is back up" Meredith said

~back in y/n's hospital room~

I do my last check before walking out "how's your patient Karev" Jackson ask. "she stable" I say Derek walked over "we've done everything we can now we have to wait for her to wake up. "Jackson take over watching her while Alex goes home and get some sleep" Derek demanded "page me if anything happens." I say. I walk to the locker room to change out of my scrubs and head home.

I take a long shower. put a black t-shirt and some sweatpants on and crawl into bed....


This was extremely long but I really enjoyed writing it <3

please leave comments and I hope you like this story so far.

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