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im standing in the O.R. scrubbed in. all of us are standing listening to Owen as he paces "practice, practice, practice" he Said "many parts meaning many opportunities and many errors. so were gonna go over this again. this is a long complex procedure. so team leaders lets get in place" he said. "alright green team lets get over here" Derek said as the ones with green headbands on there head moved towards him "lets go red" Arizona said. moved to where Arizona was standing since I had a red headband on my scrub cap. "we've giving this family all the resources we have. so im asking you to give them every resource you have. be sharp. be present, be focused!" he said "dr Robbins has been caring for these children since the day they were born. they will each get a new life today. its up to us" he says as he uncovered the 2 baby dolls on the table. "lets begin" he says. 


"flaps are inset and viable" mark says as we practice the surgery again for like the 100th time. "we are looking at at least a 18 hour surgery, so come and go when you need. hydrate, eat. but be here 30 minutes before your surgery" dr hunt spoke again. "next up general" I say. they walk up to the table and begin talking through what there doing. "I will make the first incision we'll separate the colon" she gets snappy. we all look at each other funny. "man she's wound up tight" Richard said standing behind Alex. I wasnt directly right there I was standing beside Jackson but I could still here "were you supposed to be off today?" he asked Richard. "I wont see another one of these in my lifetime" Richard said back. after that I stopped listening except when they started talking about the flip and how crucial it was. I look at Jackson and he looks at me as we listen to dr Robbins arguing. 

"alright its time to flip them" dr Robbins said "Karev your up" Derek said. 

Alex looked a bit worried as he stepped up to the side. "ready?" she asked. "yea" he said they pick them up and they try flipping them. "yours over mine everything fine, mine over your babies in the morgue" he says arguing with dr Robbins. I laugh a little. "y/n what happened there?" Owen asked me. everyone looked at me. "brandis wounds are exposed and little andi's gone without oxygen for a whole minute" I say "can we start over" dr Robbins asked. "no time" Owen said. "who's next?" Owen asked. "neuro and ortho" I say. they step up and begin talking through the procedure 

Alex came and stood beside me and Meredith "well that was a train wreck" she said "you nearly almost killed both dolls" I laughed "I know it. I have it if only Robbins would trust me to do it!" he said "doll killer" we both whispered at the same time. 

dr Bailey came in "Meredith grey. come with me O.R. 2" she demanded. Meredith looked at us "good luck" I said as she walks out the door. 


"were ready we know what to do we just have to do it" Owen said. 

2 nurses wheeled in a crib with 2 babies in it, conjoined. 

"I present to you brandi and andi lets give them new lives shall we?" Owen said. 

the babies crying. "show time" Owen said. 

we prepped and began. 

jackson and mark first. "you wanna race?" mark asked. "no no racing" Arizona said 

"its getting close to the flip" owen said 

I could tell Alex was nervous. he walked over and was talking to Owen. next thing I know is owen saying "y/n. replace Karev in the flip" "but Alex practiced and I havent" I said. "I dont care" he said. I walk over to the operating table. and stand opposite of Dr. Robbins, "you ready" she asked I slowly nodded and grabbed the baby "ready? 1, 2, 3, flip" she said. I flipped it. "good job" she whispered. "and were done" she said. everyone clapped even Alex. 

I scrubbed out walking out of the O.R. and saw lexie talking to the parents. I press the elevator button and get in. the door closes and stops on the floor I exit and walk into daycare. 

I see Ryker and everleigh sitting on the floor playing. I walk up to them and they look up at me "mama" everleigh said and stood up for me to pick her up she was smiling. I picked her up and Ryker up. I get back in the elevator and press the button it dings and I exit making my way to the gallery. I sit in the front row beside Meredith. Jackson and Alex were sitting behind us. they were eating apples. I sit down with Ryker and everleigh in my lap "there in the spinal cord now" Meredith said. everleigh was leaning back with her hand out toward Jackson. Jackson placed a apple in her hand and she smiled and took it. "what are you doing" I laugh. she showed me her apple. they were arguing down in the O.R. "no one speaks from this point on" Derek said. I watched as they did the surgery. everleigh was wiggling in my lap and was trying to get down. "no you gotta sit right here" I said. she was in my lap trying to get behind me now. I felt someone pick her up. I turned around and saw her in Jacksons lap. I smiled at them. she was sitting still. Ryker was in my lap he was playing with my necklace that my sister got me a while ago that I always wear. I was watching the surgery "time for the final cut" derek said "alright separation complete" Callie said. everyone started clapping "no no no not yet, we need to check on the motor function" Derek said. they turned 2 milliamps of stimulation. everyone was watching as her little foot moved. now brandis turn. they did the same 2 milliamps of stimulation. nothing. "lets go with 3" Derek said. they turned it up and still nothing. we all looking at each other nervously. I watched as they did 4 milliamps of stimulation. they messed with her feet and a couple of minutes later she curled her toes "hey there we go" Derek said 

everyone clapped. Ryker clapped to, they brought another bed in and took one baby out "still of a hell of a way to go" Owen said as they wheel the baby out. 

"lets go" I said to Alex. he took everleigh who had another apple in her hand, he took her from Jackson and we walked out. we rushed them back to daycare then go back into the elevator. Alex looked into my eyes. I smiled at his nervously "what?" I asked laughing "nothing y/n, just like looking into your eyes" he smiled. "your so cheesy" I laughed pushing him playfully. I kissed his cheek as the elevator opened. "we got a surgery we have to attend to" I laugh as we walk out and towards the O.R.  

we scrubbed and joined the rest of the red team. "the kidneys dead" Arizona said. Alex looked at the kidney then said "what about a kidney transplant, we have the perfectly matched donor next door they used to share all 3 of those kidneys" "there'd be no need for immunesupresants because there identical twins. they'd be saving each other" I said "ok make it happen" Dr. Robbins said. Alex walked out a little later he came back with kidney. I helped put the kidney it "we have urine" Dr. Robbins said. we closed. 

we walked brandi down the hall. she was awake and messing with her blanket. we walked into the room where andi was. "is this a private party or can anybody join?" Owen asked as we rolled her in "brandi meet andi, she's the one thats been kicking you in the ass your whole life" Owen said. I laughed and Alex walked In standing behind me. "can we touch them?" the dad asked  "of course you can" Dr. Robbins said they cried at the sight of there babies.

I walk out of the room and saw Meredith. I walked up to her "do you want me to take the twins home?" she asked. "you can if you want" I laugh "your on call tonight arent you?" she asked "yep" I said popping the p. "im exhausted" I said. she laughs "im going to bed" I said and walked off I go into the on call room. I take my pants off and crawl under the covers. I was almost asleep when I heard the door open. I looked to see who came in he took his shirt off he sat on the bed and let out a deep breath "you ok?" I ask sitting up. "yea yea im good. jo was trying to talk to me" he said "oh..." I said kind of bummed out. he layed down beside me under the covers. he layed on his back and I layed my head on his chest. I drew little circles in his Chest "did I wake you"he ask "yea but its ok. id rather be with you anyways" I smiled. "he was running his hands through my hair. "y/n" he whispered. "yea" I whispered back "dont ever leave again.." he whispered "I wont" I whispered back he turned to me grabbing my face and smashing his lips into mine I kissed back he pulled away and put his head against mine "how long do I have to wait for you..." he ask. "Alex.." I kissed him again. I layed my head back in his chest and fell asleep

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