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just to clear up a few things if anyone was confused. the planes crash hasn't happened to mark and lexie are very much alive. Derek and Meredith and everyone still all lives together, they are doctors and they have interns. also Meredith and Derek havent met Zola yet! im just kinda writing what I know so far. I like how this story is going so far.  so if anyone was confused I hope that helped anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter. thanks for reading!! <3



I wake up to sunrise beaming through the hospital room. I sit up and see that Alex is gone.  I reach for the tv remote and turn it on since I have nothing else to do. I was in the middle of a good movie when there was a knock on the door. 

Alex and 4 other people entered. I smiled and turned my attention towards them "good morning y/n" he smiles "good morning" I respond "who wants to present" a girl started talking "y/n l/n, 23. came in with head trauma and was in a come till yesterday. had heart surgery. brain surgery. and surgery on her ankle along with a c-section" the girl looked at me "thank you dr. Wilson" Alex said "were keeping her for observation for a couple of days" another doctor say "thank you dr. Murphy" they walk out. 

Alex walks over to me "you may have a few other doctors swing by today. I just want to let you know" he smiles as he lifts up my hospital gown too check my incision  "ill come and check on you later" he says starting to walk out "can I see my babies today" I ask he stops and looks at me "If I could I would let you but I cant let you im so sorry" he frowns and walk out 

I lay there staring at the wall. when 3 men walk in "hi im Dr. Derek Shepard I did your craniectomy. I came to check on you. its a miracle you survived" he smiled walking closer "this is dr. Mark Sloan and this is Dr. Jackson Avery."he says pointing to them. "we are all here if you need any of us just page us if you need us" he smiles and takes a pen out of his lab coat "can you follow this pen" he ask. I do as he says "you seem to be doing good y/n" he smiles and he walks out with mark. Jackson stood there with his hands on his hips "you need anything" he ask nicely "actually yes can you help me up I need to use the bathroom" I ask. I pull the covers off my legs and dangle my feet over the edge he walks over to me and grabs my waist and helps me up he then walks behind me as I walk to the bathroom. 

he walks in front of me holding my hand and rolling the iv as I go. I slip but he wraps his arms around my waist "woah y/n" he laughs walks me to the bed and sits me down and covers my legs back up and sits down beside me. "you dont have to stay im ok by myself" I say looking at him "I have nothing else to do im waiting for my surgery in an hour" he smiles at me "good because it gets lonely in here" I then say. I dont want to be alone 

"hace you seen your babies" he ask. I look at him and begin to cry "oh no y/n im sorry I didnt mean to make you cry" he says getting up and wrapping his arms around my shoulders so I was crying in his chest "no I haven't I really want to. I want to see my babies faces what if they open there eyes and im not the first one to see them. what if they have to stay here forever" I cry "I thought you have im sorry y/n. I have seen them there both very sweet and cuddly. didnt cry once" he said looking at me. I smiled wiping the tears away "can you see if you can talk Alex into letting me see them dr. Avery" I plead "call me Jackson" he say. I laugh he sits back down in the chair 

3 girls walk in. Jackson looks up at them "hey Jackson" the redhead said he looks at her and smiles. they look at me "hi y/n im Dr. Meredith Grey. this is Dr. Lexie grey. and Dr. April Kepner. but you can call us Meredith Lexie and April" she said pointing to each of them. "we just came to see how the miracle was. for someone to have those kinds of injuries and still be alive is amazing" April rambled. "Im ok. I want to see my babies though" I said to them. "well if you need anything then let us know" Lexie said "Im ok. im just sitting here staring at the wall when I should be at a hospital being a intern" I said laughing a little. "an intern?" Jackson asked "yea thats why im in seattle I was to find a intern program. I just graduated medical school." I said to all of them "we have a amazing teaching program" April said "yea ill talk to the chief for you y/n down worry for now" Jackson smiled. the girls walked out and so did Jackson. 

*time skip a bit to like night time whoosh* 

I layed In bed. the. room was dark im tired of being in here its lonely and boring. I saw 5 figures walk in. it started me. I sat up, it was Meredith, April,lexie, Jackson and Alex "y/n be very quiet just lay there dont move let us do everything"  Meredith said I nodded and layed still confused they began unplugging things and then they began rolling the bed out of the room and quietly down the hall. we got to a hall and the alarm beside me when off Lexie immediately turned it off "sorry" she whispered we continued on.  they jumped when they heard a voice "change the chole to 8am tomorrow" the woman said "dr. Bailey" April said and looked at us."move back move back" Jackson said and then  Jackson left my side and went to talk with her. "hey dr. Bailey can I ask you something" "well what is it" "hows your day going?" "hows my day going" we passed since she was distracted. 

we went through a set of double doors and they rolled my bed infront of a window. Jackson joined us again and stood beside the bed along with Meredith and Lexie. Alex and April went into the room put on the pink gowns. April pulled the window blinds up and Alex pushed one of the beds with the baby girl in it infront of the window so I could see her. then April pushed the boys close to the glass so I could see him to. Alex smiled at me and walked away "we'll give you some privacy" Meredith said and they walked to the corner 

I places my hand on the glass "hi babies. im your mommy, I cant wait to hold you and see you pretty eyes. but im not in very good shape and neither are you but we'll get through this I promise" tears fell down my cheeks "and we'll have a happy life" I smiled at my Babies 

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