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I wake up to crying. I shake Alex and we both sit up, I pull the covers off my legs "ill get the bottles you get the babies" I say tiredly. I stumble down the stairs and make my way to the kitchen. I see lexie in the kitchen "what time is it" I ask "3am" she says taking the bite of cereal she was eating "and why are you up?" "mark is at the hospital tonight. I cant sleep when hes not here" she says. I pulled the bottles out of the sink and put water in them then scooped formula into them. "Alex made jo go home" I shook the bottles her eyes widened "why" "because she was being a bitch" I laughed I could here crying from the room "my babies are hungry" I laugh and walk up the stairs to see Alex holding both of them to his chest asleep. "how can you sleep with them screaming" he groaned. and opened his eyes. I took everleigh from him and gave him the other bottle. we fed them and then I burped everleigh and began feeding her again. Alex was still trying to burp Ryker "y/n he wont burp you do it" he whined. "just keep trying" I giggled. I heard a burp. I looked over and Alex had spit up on his shirt. "Alex...." I said trying not to bust out laughing "dont. speak." is all he said before finishing feeding him and then we put them back in the crib. he grabbed some clothes and walked out and into the bathroom. I walked over to the crib "that was funny Ryker. good one baby" I laughed talking in a baby voice. I got back in bed and covered myself up. soon Alex came back in with wet hair. he crawled in bed facing me "what would I do without you" I whispered. he smirked at me and we fell asleep. 

before you know it the alarm went off. I turned around and hit it. I groaned. I got out of bed and got in the shower before anyone else could. I set my alarm earlier than anyone else. I dried off and put on a T-shirt and leggings I walked over to Ryker who was awake so I picked him up and put on a little grey onesie withe blue sleeves. I then placed him back into the crib and grabbed everleigh. I put a little grey onesie on her with pink sleeves. matching. Alex rolled out of bed finally and put clothes on. I walk downstairs and see everyone in the kitchen. I grab a the diaper bags and put some clean bottles in them along with formula. I put some diapers. 2 extra pair of clothes and some baby wipes (and whatever else)I zipped them up the diaper bags and put them by the door for when we leave. I sipped my coffee "wow y/n your so busy we havent even got a good morning" April laughs standing beside Jackson. "good morning guys" I laugh. "she's to busy being a mom guys" Meredith says. I grab a box of waffles from the freezer I pop 2 into the toaster and push it down.  I lean against the counter "did they sleep the whole night?" Derek ask. "yea up till this morning they were hungry. also Ryker puked all over Alex" I say. the toaster pops and Alex walks in they all look at him. I turn around and he looks at me mad. "where's jo" April ask. I put the waffles on a plate and handed them to Alex "waffles for me?" he ask "yes" I smile "Alex kicked her out last night" Jackson says taking a sip of his coffee. I shoot a look at him "what? I saw her storm out of the house last Night" "oh" I say popping more waffles into the toaster. they popped back out. I grabbed them both and took a bite of one "5 minutes guys lets go" Derek says. I shove the waffle into my mouth and leave the other on the counter. I run upstairs and grab Ryker out of the crib. I put him In the carrier and buckled it up. I then put everleigh into her carrier and buckled her in. I grab Rykers carrier and carry it down the stairs. I snap it into the car. I walk back up the stairs and grab everleigh. I walk back down the stairs. and Derek is at the bottom he takes the carrier and walks out the door. I grab both diaper bags and swing them over my shoulders and begin to walk out the door "you ready?" Alex ask "no my waffle!" I yelled running back to the door. the door was locked. I walk back to the car and got in with Alex "here's your waffle y/n I grabbed it for you" I smile at him and took a bite as we all left to head to the hospital. 

10 minute drive later

we park the car and get out, Jackson came and grabbed Ryker's carrier. Alex got everleighs carrier and I grabbed the diaper bags and we all walked into the hospital. we got into the elevator and took the babies to daycare. 

Me, Alex, and Jackson walked into the attending lounge and put scrubs on. everyone else was in there as well. "you on call tonight?" Meredith ask "yea I am, could you take the twins home?" I ask "of course" she smiles I look at her. "dont murder my children Meredith" I laugh pulling my pants on "I'll make sure she dont" Jackson laughs I pull my shoes on "why so quiet Alex" lexie ask. he doesn't acknowledge her. "Alex" I try to get his attention. nothing. they all leave the room  Alex puts his shoes on. I stand in front of him "whats wrong with you" I ask frustuarated he ignores me "your mood changes constantly Alex! talk to me!" I raise my voice. "your my best friend Alex! im yours talk to me!" he still continues to ignore me. and walks out of the room "your a dick" I scream to him. I walk out. to start the day. 


"time of death 2:38am" I say pulling off the gown and throwing it in the bin and walking out. I go to the on call room and pull my shoes and pants off I sit down on the bed 

"ow" the voice says. i look and I sat on Alex. "im sorry Alex I didnt see you there" I laugh. "its ok" he says pulling the covers back inviting me to lay beside him. I crawl in bed and lay my head on Alex chest. he places his hand on my cheek and kisses me. I kiss back. a long passionate kiss. I pull away and lay my head against Alexs i was almost asleep when I hear Alex whisper something

"I dont think we can just be friends..."

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